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Forum Posts

Word Association Thread (New)

As the old thread has disappeared off the 'face of the earth', I've started a new thread for those of us who enjoy Off Topic.Along the lines of the previous one, the idea is someone writes a word and the next person adds another word linked to the pr...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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The "What Are You Listening To Right Now" Thread

I was looking for this all over the place but I couldn't find it! Every forum should have one of these! So, here we go! Billy Talent - Red Flag YOUR TURN!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Think we're having bad weather? This is tonight's forecast for the Northeastern US.

Bambino by Level 86: Prestigious
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This should be posted on the Community Home Page but, unfortunately, cannot post on there. In these dreadful times, members of this O2 Community have excelled themselves in their help and support of O2 customers, they are, in my opinion, true heroes ...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Thought of the day

As part of the #o2surprise that I received last week, there was a jar of smiles. Many were keen to see what would come out of the jar each day, so here are the ones so far! The one that I picked out on Friday was "If you want to see the rainbow, you ...

gmarkj by Level 67: Unsung hero
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The Virtual Lounge

Anyone here ? [Please see related discussion about "The Virtual Lounge" here]

blissgirl by Level 36: Perceptive
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[Game] Winter Holidays AZ

Hey guys, If there's one thing we've learned this year on the Community's Off-topic board, it's that you all love games That's why we thought it would be fun to give a favourite of yours a little seasonal twist: introducing ... Winter Holidays AZ As ...

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EmilieT by Former Staff
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The Holidays crafts thread!

Hi everyone, Although it's quite easy to find beautiful decorations and presents in shops, it can be so much more personal, special, and frankly fun to make some of these at home Whether you make your own cards, tinsel, wreath, baubles, or even prese...

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EmilieT by Former Staff
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Christmas crackers

Hi everyone, Before I came to the UK, I had only ever seen Christmas crackers in British movies or TV shows. Now that I've been living here for over 5 years, I couldn't imagine celebrating the Holidays without them! We all know the "classic" cracker ...

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EmilieT by Former Staff
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Christmas markets experiences

Hi everyone,One thing I love about this season are all the Christmas markets popping up all over. They're so heartwarming, and between the smells, the delicious snacks and either the crafts stands or the fun activities to do, they're so delightful to...

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EmilieT by Former Staff
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Christmas Guess the Picture Game!

Hey everyone, today's Christmas topic is a festive twist on the guess the picture game! The rules are simple, I'll post an extreme close up of something related to Christmas and you have to guess what it is. Once the correct answer is posted I'll rev...

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Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Your iPad Pro might have a bend but it’s not a defect!

Don't worry, Apple says it's quite normal....but you wouldn't want one....would you?This gave me quite a chuckle today but for all those waiting for one? Definitely not

jonsie by Level 94: Supreme
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Happy Winter Solstice

Today, December 21st is the shortest day of the year.Thank god for the days will start getting longer and I may be able to come out of hibernation

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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Festive snacks, sweets & treats

Hi everyone, During this season, with the cold weather creeping in and the days being shorter, I find that festive treats can lift up my mood and make me forget about the freezing wind and grey skies. In fact this weekend, I spent a couple of hours m...

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EmilieT by Former Staff
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funnest or silliest present ever received!

Hey everyone, Love it or hate it a big part of Christmas is giving and receiving gifts. Some gifts are really personal and thoughtful from a significant other and you also get the generic, shower gel and socks from your grandmother! This time around ...

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Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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