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How long have you had your number and how attached are you to it?

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I've been interested in mobile telecoms for quite a few years, all the way from the phones to the network components themselves and so I've participated in a number of forums and was even part of the moderation team on one (closed a few years ago now)


The forum in question covered all of the networks and we'd try and advise people what to do if things weren't going smoothly and there were also discussions about network and handset developments.


One of the things people used to sound off regularly about was when number ports took a long time or didn't work.


I've had mine for about 15 years and I've moved it around quite a bit (it started life on Virgin Mobile) and I like it as it's easy for me to remember if I need to give it out but it probably wouldn't be a major disaster if I had to change it, unlike for example a tradesperson.


So how long have you had yours and would you get upset if O2 or ofcom said you had to change it?

Mobile operators can do this for technical reasons or on the order of ofcom.

Message 1 of 14

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Not fussed either way to be honest.
I have an easy to remember number, but that's for my benefit and no one else's. Once it's stored in someone's phone it's never looked at again anyway.
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Message 2 of 14

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I’m not fussed but it’s nobody’s business but my own

Message 3 of 14

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Personally I would hate to lose mine.I have had it for 15 years.

It's nothing special but took me ages to remember it and now I can repeat it on 'auto pilot' as it were.

It would also involve a lot of work changing it in my contacts and letting people know.

I also shop for most things online and certain companies require my phone number. It would mean changing all those.

Luckily, I get hardly any spam/nuisance calls via mobile, they are easily blocked and so I have no reason to change....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 14

Level 28: Ingenious
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Had my number for 10+ years and yes wouldn’t like to change it. I’m good with mobile numbers as I can rem after a few goes,  but this one is like a gold number 👍

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Message 5 of 14

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I've had the same number for 20+ years. Maybe even 25. Have ported it twice with no problems. It would be a pain to lose it, but I'm getting prepared for it, as it will probably happen soon.


Message 6 of 14

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I've had my number 23 years and it's easy to remember  Another number I've had for 11 years which is a better and easier to remember number. I would be disappointed to lose them but purely because they roll off the tongue. Quite possibly one of the few things I can remember these days. I have a new home number since December but can't for the life of me remember it if someone should ask. 

However it's not a huge problem should I lose the numbers, just the pain of informing the relevant people. I have to go through the hassle of a name change later this year so I'm having to inform the world of that. Perhaps it will be good practice if O2 and EE want my numbers back. 

Message 7 of 14

Level 43: Bright Spark
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I've had my present number for about 51/2 years so not as long as some but would prefer not to lose it. Having to inform all my friends, my bank, doctor's surgery, all my online shopping contacts etc etc would be the biggest pain. And having to remember it myself. I've got my number down pat and even though I'm good with numbers, it would still take a bit of time to remember a new one. So hopefully I can keep it for awhile longer 😊
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Message 8 of 14

Level 77: Grand Master
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I've had the same number since my first foray into mobile phones, when I got a contract and a Motorola Timeport L7089 tri-band phone - so about 20 years, I guess? Jaw-dropping


It wasn't O2 back then, either, but BT CellNet. Same network.... it has always been the best for coverage where I live, and now that calls whilst roaming are free, I can quite happily let my phone roam onto the other carrier I get here, yahoo

Message 9 of 14

Not applicable
Had mine for 15+ years Daz and frequently ported... Bought it for a few quid off ebay, probably a gold number now.😁

Before that I had one that I kept porting & got that in 1994 I think. The craphone managed voda porting experi nce was the most fun as it involved writing in...

Before that it was work provided ones so you got what you were given.
Message 10 of 14