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Good deed of the day.........

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So, this morning, I popped into Lidl for my daily breakfast croissants and upon reaching the checkout I noticed a little old lady in front of me packing up her shopping.....

Her bill came to 51 euro and 50 cents.

She meticulously counted out her change which unfortunately only came to 50 euro 45 cents.

Now she didn't want me to help her at all, but I insisted and we had all her shopping back on the shelves in no time at all DanceLOL

What was your good deed of the day?

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Message 1 of 27

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@ComaChameleon wrote:

Do you know the Netherlands @MI5? So as I live just a spit from there even a chewing gum on the walkway is a mountain for me XD

Ahhh yes - big mountains then @ComaChameleon wink

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Message 11 of 27

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Do you hike there or even mountain biking?

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Message 12 of 27

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I cycle a lot at home but not when on holiday.
Holiday time is for relaxing and spending time at the lake slight_smile
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Message 13 of 27

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Is it your home/house or rented? (seems like UK has more often flats/houses for vacation). Do you mean fishing at the lake or swimming?


In my old duty-area there are now jellyfishs in a (sweetwater)lake, because it's so warm!

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Message 14 of 27

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Fishing, swimming and water sports and yes, it is our own house.
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Message 15 of 27

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What's happening with people like you owning property in the EU after Brexit, @MI5?



C'mon people.... Does nobody do good deeds on other people? tongue

At the supermarket I let 2 people pass me and pay earlier, because they only had 2-3 pieces. Good deed - check.

iPhone 16 Pro Max * 256 GB * Natural Titanium * unlocked
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Message 16 of 27

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No idea what will happen after Brexit.
We may have to move out here permanently slight_smile
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Message 18 of 27

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Problems with bin collections @jonsie ?
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Message 19 of 27

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Yes, I have assisted bin collections which means they normally take the bins from the side of the house and up the step. Obviously I can't do it myself! So.... I happen to be sat out the front in the wheelchair and the guy walks by and decides to miss me out completely after emptying the neighour's bin which was parked out front. So I shouted him back and (bearing in mind he can see what I'm sat in!) and said you need to empty my bin from round back. Nope, your bin should be out front and you aren't on the list in the wagon. I suggested he go check with the driver and to look at the list again. No need he says. Every need I sez! Would you like me to show you the letter of confirmation from your boss at the council? Nope, no time he says. So give me your name then I can mention it when I speak to him, waving my mobile at him.

Then his compadre comes up and says what's the problem? This oik won't empty my effin' bin I sez (for oik, substitute a well known word beginning and ending with 't')  and explained that a blind man on a galloping horse could see I wasn't able to drag it round and up the step. So he says to this young perrick to go get the bin which they have been emptying every fortnight for the last 6 months every this point the neighbours were out yelling at the unfortunate spotty little git. After he had sheepishly brought the empty bin back I shouted after him very loudly, thank you for your assistance today and I look forward to seeing you next time!!

....but he lived!

Message 20 of 27