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Gardeners in the O2 Community

Level 52: Innovator
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Hello! Enjoying looking through the queries and different topics occasionally but recently time has been limited by lots of gardening work at the end of the season. I have six upright growing Apple Trees and 5 upright growing pear trees called Minarettes closely pruned to keep columnar. Summer prune to shape whilst fruit still on and to keep them about 600mm apart.  Fruit then ripens as normal and picking September.  I have a mini plum tree also has summer prune to keep in shape.  A fig tree (given part of a very old one) growing in a large pot, also  patio peach and nectarine trees growing in 2 very large pots.  If I have too many fruits I make a mixed fruit jam with all the different fruits.  My passion is my Bees Osmia rufa ~ Red Mason Bee ~ an early pollinator and a sweet and gentle bee.  I breed these in special tubed boxes every year.  They are super pollinators and love fruit trees!  So we all enjoy the season!  Love to hear from other gardeners.  

Happiness is bee shaped!



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The seasons are certainly playing havoc with gardens.

The last of my annual bedding plants have been removed this morning. They had been going for longer than usual .....but then we had the frost the last two nights and that's finished them

However, I have a massive hardy fuschia in the middle of my front lawn. It comes back year after year with an abundance of flowers.

This year, although it grew well, there were no flowers on it till the end of August. Now it is flowering like mad, normally at the time I would be pruning it back!!  Confused

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Girl in a jacket
Message 41 of 53

Level 52: Innovator
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Hi @Cleoriff

Yes re your fuschia ~ the same is happening in my garden.

My summer planting is not over yet still looking great.

The rose that did not flower June/July decided to flower October!

Very pretty too.

Not many leaves down off the trees so still looking pretty good.



Message 42 of 53

Level 13: Prompter
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@TallTrees I am so impressed by your green fingers. Would you like a job around ours tongue_winking

Message 43 of 53

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@TallTrees wrote:

Hello again nice to hear you have been in Glorius Gardens @Anonymous

Nothing more relaxing even if working in them!


Hi @TallTrees ... I just look at the Courtyard Gardens through windows in the hospital when visiting mum, depending upon where I go these gardens are very inviting rose there is a door to each one of them I believe, but doubt it is open to all, I'd say you need to seek permission ... wildlife too are there amongst the easily grown Silver Birch Trees ever present in the loadsa gardens four_leaf_clover

Message 44 of 53

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How is everyone's garden at present? sunflower

I came a different way home from town today, on purpose, so's I could look at some nice gardens along a rather stylish terrace

I want to take some pics of my 1 and only flower planter ... & ... some snowdrops I've seen today ... the light needs to be right though ... today has been a grey cloudy day


Message 45 of 53

Level 47: Going Places
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I have got to be the world`s worst gardener - even when I could (but wouldnt) potter - so can`t comment

But I wanted to share something with you and other posters on this thread -

The Autistic Gardener (of Ch4 TV programme) lives not far from me. I `ve never spoken to him but my neighbour has and says he`s a really nice guy. Also local paper reports on charity events he does in area.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 46 of 53

Not applicable

@Mi-Amigo wrote:


I have got to be the world`s worst gardener - even when I could (but wouldnt) potter - so can`t comment

But I wanted to share something with you and other posters on this thread -

The Autistic Gardener (of Ch4 TV programme) lives not far from me. I `ve never spoken to him but my neighbour has and says he`s a really nice guy. Also local paper reports on charity events he does in area.

I've missed this tv programme @Mi-Amigo ... so will look it up as it interests me ... ... ... my x-husband is a landscape architect & did all our gardens (we moved about a lot with his career) ... I love being in a garden ... but ... shy away from actual work ... so ... it's plants in pots ie those which look after themselves in my yard 

Message 47 of 53

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Whereas I love it....I have snowdrops in flower...I keep looking round the garden to see what can be done. (Nothing's all done)

Roll on Spring (and summer) sunflower

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 48 of 53

Not applicable

The weather is sooo pleasantly sunny & warm atm sun


Pleased for those who work & those who have families so can enjoy events planned or just having a picnic / bbq in their own back garden four_leaf_clover


It lifts my mood no end to have weather like this ... it's the clear quality of light which does it smiling


Gardeners ... ... ... you must be pleased with this warm, sunny spell we're having ? christmas_tree


I shall be spending time after noon in a beer garden a very good friend of mine has created & keeps maintained ... ... ... my job is to keep us both fed & not 'bother him' ... Early Doors micro bar / pub doesn't open till 2pm on a Sunday so my friend BL will be able to get on with his work unhampered by anyone pizza burger cheese cake cheery

Message 49 of 53

Level 4: Observant
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Hello Green thumbed friends!


The weather has been like a yo-yo this summer and my plants have both loved and loathed it. I only have some plants on my little balcony but they keep drying up quickly. I miss having a big garden! My daughter grows many fruits in the garden and has had a bumper crop of raspberries. 


What do you think I can make out of 10,000 raspberries?



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