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Dancing On Ice 2023.

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dancing on ice 23.png

I have all the info about the new series which starts in January 2023.

I will write about the contestants later but wanted to get the thread started.

The judges are Christopher Dean, Jayne Torvill, Oti Mabuse and Ashley Banjo.

Presenters are unchanged with Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield.


We appear to only have 11 contestants this year, unless they have another one, yet to be revealed?

Checking them over, there will many comments such as 'Who the  hell are they?'

All I will say, until my next post, we have

A Drag Artist

A The Wanted band member

A Love Island Contestant

An actress from Corrie

A retired Footballer

An Olympian

A Liberty X singer

A Comedian

A Hollyoaks actress

A Towie 'star'

An Actress ( retired) from Eastenders (now a DJ)

More to follow .... (I bet you can't wait @Mi-Amigo @sheepdog) 😂




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Girl in a jacket
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Thanks for the write up @Mi-Amigo 

I thought the professional skate was damn good. There again it was choreographed by Dan Whiston who also

featured in the performance.

I agreed with Karen and Dan when Holly interviewed them, both Molly and Darren were underscored! Adding to what you said, I agree that Carly was overscored

So quick thoughts from me:

The Vivienne.... surprisingly good for a first skate. There again I've always loved Cher. 😂


John Fashanu (skated to Eat My Goal by Collapsed Lung??!!) Not a song which has ever been on my playlist.

Pretty poor really. Limited skating although a lot of messing about with a football


Mollie Gallagher. Totally underscored. Easily as good as the Vivienne and as she's my favourite I feel quite miffed for her and Sylvain.


Darren Harriot. Never heard of him until this show but it was a good confident skate from him to a damn fast number. Another one who was underscored!


Carly Stenson. A lovely seamless skate from her but just because she skated to a slow number which she had no choice about...doesn't mean she was 'top of the tree'. I would argue that someone who skates to a fast song and covers the ice well probably has a harder skate. Overmarked.


Jayne and Chris. Always a joy to watch, even though that was a pretty 'low fuelled' Tango.


Right decision to send John home and very pleased the public voted him into the bottom. I was worried, due to the audience reaction to him that he would still be there.

Ekin Su was the better skater out of the two.


Looking forward to MUSICALS WEEK next Sunday.

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Girl in a jacket
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My goodness, how desperate are ITV to shove ITVX down our throats? 


So week 2 and second half of the sonar depth detected personalities appear. Nice opening routine then we get the judges outfits. Still can't take Ashley Banjo's sharpie pen haircut and Jayne T looked  pretty good in the purple one from Quality Street. Tess  Holly's dress reminded me of a balloon arch. Phil has decided a shirt and tie is not worth it on a prime time flagship show. As for Oti, seems she's morphed into Motsi. Ah well, here's this week's uncanny resemblance photo:


Star Wars Rebels for those who don't know :-)Star Wars Rebels for those who don't know 🙂


I'll leave you to decide who the top right one is 😂


The Vivienne: I'll shorten this to THE from now one due to keyboard annoyances when typing (no really those vowels are a pain to type out fast). Agreed, a rather good first skate to start off with. Unfortunately the heavy make-up is way too much like Bo Selecta's Craig David rather than Cher.

John Fashanu: Like Wimbledon FC of the day, no technical ability to speak of but lots of enthusiasm. May be his knee injury which caused him to retire from football played a big factor. Or his age or maybe he's just not very good. 

Mollie Gallagher: I thought she was rather well balanced and should progress nicely. Agreed with what Chris said about holding on to her partner but that's normal for a first skate. 

Darren Harriot: He's got big feet you know! But surprisingly quite agile for someone who doesn't seem to have skated before. Dark horse of the series. 

Carly Stenson: Give her a feather duster and that's a perfect routine to dust the living room with. Saying that, the overuse of arm-o-graphy spoilt it for me though she's going to be hard to match with her stage training with the details the judges will suddenly decide on later. Again like Mollie, lose the dependency on her partner and she will be hard to beat. 


As for the dance-off, John Fashanu shirt was rather more impressive than his repeat of his first skate. However, disagreed with the judges comments saying Ekin-who's skate was more technical. Given she has a week to do it, that was pretty awful considering she was just pushed around. Just like most female skate-off's in fact. Its time the judges said they need to see a solo segment as part of the dance-off. She's next week's dance-off contender by far. 


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Firstly, Oti will NEVER turn into Motsi. The only thing they have in common are their rather large boobs 😂There is also a 10 year difference between them. Oti 31 and Motsi 41.

So, as Oti was my favourite dancer on SCD, give it up. 🤣

Not sure how you can compare the gorgeous, natural beauty and superior dress sense of Holly

to wooden stick bacofoil wrapped Tess?

However, all a matter of personal opinion but you've had yours so I have my right to reply. 😉

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 23 of 69

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Breaking news. NO SKATE OFF THIS WEEK The couple voted bottom after judges scores and public vote are out.



Niles and Olivia. Skated to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang from the same musical.

An excellent skate. Great acrobatics Lovely waltz and polka steps Scored 33.5


Michelle and Lucasz.Skated to All That Jazz from Chicago

A good start and slightly more confident, Limited flow over the ice and at times was a rabblt in the headlights

Scored 20


Siva and Klabera. Bohemian Rhapsody from We Will Rock You.

Really good skate to great music 😁 Full of content although needs to work on transitions Scored 26.5


Carley and Mark Anything goes from Anything Goes.

Didn't need the singing in my opinion! Well performed but with a few wobbles Overmarked with 32.5


The Vivienne and Colin. Skated to Don't Cry for me Argentina from Evita.

Great skating with good storytelling. Scored 32.5


Darren and Tippy. Fat Sams Grand Slam from Bugsy Malone.

Seemed a bit nervous at the start then gave a good performance. Scored 27


Ekin-Su and Brendyn. Do Re Mi from the Sound Of Music.

Slightly better this week although didn't skate alone. A few wobbles Scored 23


Mollie and Sylvain She used to be Mine from Waitress.

What a lovely emotional skate. She skated alone and it was an improved performance Scored 28.5


Patsy and Matt. Defying Gravity from Wicked.

Not  impressed at all. Time wasted being lifted up and down on a rope. Stumbled but recovered Ok Scored 20.5


Joey and Vanessa. You're the one that I Want from Grease.

What an excellent skate although a bit hunched over at times. Great routine. Loved it. Scored 29.0 (undermarked)


The Vote Off

Michelle and Lucasz are out.



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 69

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Thanks for the write-up @Cleoriff 

My thoughts...

Niles + Olivia - good opening performance. agree with judges score.

The Vivienne + Colin - loved this. agree with judges score.

Joey + Vanessa - excellent performance. could be the one to watch. underscored by judges.

Mollie + Sylvan - excellent performance; best of the night, underscored by judges.


OK performance/skating...

Siva + Klabera

Darren + Tippy


Not impressed with - 

Ekin-Su + Brendyn - wobbles; didn`t skate alone. 

Michelle + Lucasz - not the worst in my opinion

Patsy + Matt - stumble; should have been voted off.


which leaves

Carley + Mark...

well I said previously they are the judges favourite and tonight proved it !!!

What the hell was all that talk about when they get 10s ? FGS... 

wobbles but didn`t get penalised and again grossly overmarked.


Dance Week next week. Should be interesting to see how those who skated before get on with dancing on ice; and how well those who have danced get on on the ice.  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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I hope @sheepdog Is OK? I miss his sarky cryptic comments. My highlight of the week. 😂

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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@Cleoriff had to watch it on ITVX as was out for most of sunday so only saw it this evening. Remarkably, ITVX is free of ITVX adverts. Who would have known that 😂


So we almost got a normal Oti but that dress...till we get our Oti back, she's going to be known as Moti. Oddly auto-correct changed that to Motsi so guess my browser is becoming self-aware. Did you know "sharpie beard" is a thing? Well Ashley Banjo does. I'm now waiting patiently for Holly to turn up in bacofoil wink


Niles: Though I missed his first skate the other week, this was a stunning opening for a week 2 skate. Two more weeks to get his synching right and there's no stopping him to the final. 

Michelle: Way better than her first. Obvious issues but scored lower than I thought. 

Siva: Bit repetitive and definitely needs more knee movement as he is too rigid especially with gaining speed. In danger of being bland. 

Carley: Well the opening bit where she sang was about as exciting as it got. Lots of issues but the judges just ignored those with a ridiculous score. Solo skating may be her downfall. 


THE Bo(tox) Selecta: Quite good in fact but has a tendency to not quite finish off some moves. 

Darren: The boy can skate and perform. Not enough to win but will be fun to watch him improve. Need less selfie teeth video's though. 

Ekin-Who?: Guess the makeup artist is a big fan of Star Trek. Cue this week's Uncanny resemblance photo (T'pol from ST:Enterprise).




Hopeless performance. How she scored more than Michelle is surprising. 



Mollie: Better than Carly in my opinion though needs to work on landing better. 

Patsy: A skate of two halves. Unfortunately the second half was the one we'll remember with the fall and the rather time-wasting hoist. Not that the first half was that good. She was quite hot in green paint though.  

Joey: We were discussing how we could describe Joey Essex's rise to fame. Professional fool is about the best we could relate to. Definitely not a fool with that routine! Chris Deane got it with saying he needs to up his speed but he's a strong contender for top 4. 


Now for the conspiracy theory to skate-off change. I don't recall in 15 seasons of DOI have they ever done a pure vote to kick out anybody. I would put forward the argument that Love Island has just started, having the judges kick out Ekin-who? would be a definite no-no for the marketing team. So to compromise, let the public do that just to avoid the controversy. But let's just remind the judges of the contract clauses to make sure she gets enough to avoid being kicked out.


That Tina musical group was just a load of screeching thankfully drowned out by the audience who were hyped up for some reason. It should be interesting to see what "dances" the couples come up with next week. Will we see Gangnam Style, Hammer time or well pick one from this classic youtube:


Message 27 of 69

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I thought the Vote Off was peculiar @sheepdog. However I didn't look for conspiracy theories, I thought they would overrun the timing schedule. 😂

Yes re Joey Essex, we think the same in our family. I have never liked him as he is as thick as two short planks, however you can't fault his skating.

Losing patience with the judges favourite Carley. It's DANCING on Ice, NOT Singing on Ice. A shocking display of one upmanship. Why she received such high marks when she stumbled more than once is simply ridiculous!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Eventually I've found an online option which gives us the music and style for DOI!

Although take some of the following dance 'styles' with a pinch of salt. 😂


Patsy and Matt. Skating to the Timewarp (Dance Style- The Timewarp!)

Ekin-Su and Brendyn. Skating to Car Wash by Dance X Winners (Dance Style- Disco)

Siva and Klabera. Skating to Three Times A Lady by The Commodores. (Dance Style - Waltz)

Darren and Tippy. Skating to Making Your Mind Up By Bucks Fizz (Dance Style- Swing)

Mollie and Sylvain. Skating to To Be Loved by Lizzo (Dance Style- Cheerleading)

Joey and Vanessa. Skating to Pushing On by 2WEI and Marvin Brooks (Dance Style- Paso Doble)

Vivienne and Colin. Skating to Jolene by Dolly Parton (Dance Style- Country)

Carley and Mark. Skating to Conga by Gloria Estefan  (Dance Style - Samba)

Niles and Olivia. Skating to Friday by Dopamine (Dance Style - Street)

A weird mix but looking forward to 'some'of them.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Dance Week - Sun 05 Feb

Thank you @Cleoriff for songs/dances 😊

Opening - "Everybody Dance"

Carley + Mark - Ashley 8.0; Oti 8.0; Jane 8.0; Chris 8.0 = total 32.5. OVERSCORED.

judges said Carley was out of time; pushed - so why the high score ? 

Mollie + Sylvan - Ashley 6.5; Oti 6.5; Jane 6.5; Chris 6.5 = total 26.0. UNDERSCORED.

Although I`m a fan of Mollie, not her best performance. Audience booed judges score.

Chris challenged Mollie to do head-banger next week; she agreed to do it.

Darren + Tippy - Ashley 7.0; Oti 7.0; Jane 6.0; Chris 6.5 = total 26.5. agree with Jane and Chris, but do Ashley

and Oti really believe Darren was better than Mollie ?

Siva + Klabera - Ashley 7.5; Oti 7.5; Jane 7.5; Chris 7.5 = total 30.0. Agree with judges. Good flowing performance.

Ekin-Su + Brendyn - Ashley 5.5; Oti 6.0; Jane 5.5; Chris 6.0 = total 23.0. Agree with judges. stumbled; little

skating; too much lifts.

Joey + Vanessa - Ashley 8.0; Oti 8.0; Jane 7.0; Chris 7.5 = total 30.5 UNDERSCORE by Jane and Chris.

Brilliant skate - my joint favourite performance of the night.

Patsy + Matt - Ashley 6.0; Oti 6.5; Jane 6.5; Chris 5.5 = total 24.5 OVERSCORED [except Chris]

Are we really expected to believe Patsy deserved the same score as Mollie?

Nile + Olivia - Ashley 8.5; Oti 8.5; Jane 8.5; Chris 8.5 = total 34. Agree with judges

Lovely skate - my joint favourite [with Joey] performance of the night.

The Vivienne + Colin - Ashley 8.0; Oti 8.5; Jane 8.0; Chris 8.0 = total 32.5 [slightly overscored - not as good as

Joey - but very good performance]


After the break, performance by Mark + Olivia, choreographed by Chris, skating to "Both Sides Now".


Skate off - public voted added to judges score... Ekin-Su v Patsy in skate off

Judges vote =

Ashley - save Patsy; Oti - save Patsy; Jane - save Patsy; Chris - save Patsy.

Patsy through to next week. Agree with judges; Patsy did more skating.

Ekn-Su leaves Dancing On Ice.


Next week - ICONS WEEK...

Should be interesting. I hope there`s an improved performance from Mollie; and Joey continues to give really good performance.  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 30 of 69