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Community Film Club: What's on this week

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Hey guys, 


You may remember the Community Film Club thread from last week which showed a few films that were on television last weekend. This week we are doing the same and I will include a selection of films on during the week for you to catch if you feel like kicking back and enjoying a good tale slight_smile


I'll also update with film news throughout the week and if you find anything interesting out, post it here so we can give our opinions and thoughts!


Featured Film: Tonight our featured film is Watchmen, directed by Zak Snyder and based on the award winning Alan Moore graphic novel. I chose this one, as we chatted about it in last week's thread and it's an acquired taste so I would love to know what everyone thinks. It is on Channel 4 at 10:05 PM.


- Alan Moore also wrote V for Vendetta, another popular novel adapted into a feature film

- The teaser trailer for Watchmen sparked so much interest, the graphic novel it is based     on became a top seller again.

- Most of the actors seen reading the news are actual news anchor from TV stations in Vancouver, where the movie was filmed




Film news: The first piece of movie news this week is the story of Tim Burton's 'Pinocchio'. He has hired 'Kick-Ass' writer Jane Goldman (wife of Jonathan Ross) to adapt the story for him and Iron Man himself Robert Downey Jr is tipped to played the role of Geppetto.


How do you feel about this new Tim Burton effort? Is Downey Jr a good choice?


Also, I'd love to hear your thoughts on tonight's film


More movie goodies coming soon wink




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Message 1 of 43

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Does Rorschach do part time at the weekends as Batman? He needs a throat sweet.
Message 11 of 43

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Haha good shout:)

Never thought of that link haha.

I love Rorschach one of my favourite lines in any movie is his;

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with *ME*!"


" [after knocking out and then electrocuting a thug against a toilet] Hm. Never disposed of sewage with a toilet before. Obvious, really. "

Definatly needs a second chance in my opinion. The darker side of marvel.

Not a fan of the rape scene I think that was just too far, despite it being a strong story point:(.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 12 of 43

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Well I'm a Marvel girl over DC so had to give it a try, I liked it better than the first time - maybe in another year I'll give it another go!
Message 13 of 43

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Skyfall was amazing, great action scenes. An a excellent plot & charactors especially 


... spoiler ... 


More info
the scene with bond, the baddie & the train falling through the roof. The twist with m at the end I found was very surprising, the gay scene was funny but didnt really fit within a bond film
Message 14 of 43

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Hey Stuart,

I've slightly edited your message with a spoiler tag for people who haven't seen the film yet wink

Loved Skyfall as well. Really great movie.
Message 15 of 43

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I found myself watching it to the end and being slightly worried about my ability to do so. It's not normally my type of film but it was strangely compelling and overall enjoyment marks 6/10.

Message 16 of 43

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You may enjoy the graphic novel jonsie slight_smile

In other movie-related news, Paul Greengrass (director of 'The Bourne Supremecy'and 'Ultimatum') is prepping his biopic of Martin Luther King, dealing with the run-up to his tragic assassination. I cannot wait.

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Message 17 of 43

Not applicable

Thanks Toby, didn't to how to disguise spoilers though

Message 18 of 43

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@stuart, what do you mean?

News for today: Hugh Laurie is 'House' fame is set to become Blackbeard for the the NBC series 'Crossbones'
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Message 19 of 43

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There's a little smily face with what appears to be an ice cream on his head next to the score out button. Produces a dark box where you can write the spoiler in:)

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 20 of 43