on 28-03-2015 17:23
on 28-03-2015 17:23
C comes before D in the alphabet
Looks like something the cat's dragged in / Looks like a dog's breakfast
A cat may look at a king / A dog is man's best friend
Dogs come when called / Cats have ansaphones
Cats crap / Dogs doody
Dogs have masters / Cats have staff / All pigs are equal
on 01-04-2015 09:09
@Anonymous wrote:Although dogs are unable to detect tumors.....apparently cats can!!!
I believe so @Anonymous
animals come into hospitals/care homes etc to have that something I can't describe for the welfare of the patients/residents ..... maybe @Cleoriff has some input here
my dad would love a lap-cat but ..... he's allus said they give you unconditional love
I do know when I'm feeling one of my 'Stop the World I wan't to Get Off' moments it's my snuggable / loveable big cat Marty who sorts me out, there is something therapeutic in holding an animal close = ones with with a furry coat
WispaRed7 xo novice tech
on 01-04-2015 09:17
on 01-04-2015 09:17
Dogs detect tumours and other conditions. Many dogs have been trained by experts to detect when someone is about to have a seizure....or go into a diabetic coma...Recently they have started a programme of training certain selected dogs to detect the cancer gene....
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on 01-04-2015 09:30
It was actually a joke...."Although dogs are unable to detect tumors.....apparently cats can (cat scan)"!!!
I do believe however that animals can detect things that humans can't......all very interesting.
on 01-04-2015 09:37
on 01-04-2015 09:37
@Anonymous wrote:It was actually a joke...."Although dogs are unable to detect tumors.....apparently cats can (cat scan)"!!!
I do believe however that animals can detect things that humans can't......all very interesting.
Of course it was @Anonymous but I went with Wispared on this one....:smileytongue: and thought I would bore folk to death with another piece of 'medical news'
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on 01-04-2015 09:50
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:It was actually a joke...."Although dogs are unable to detect tumors.....apparently cats can (cat scan)"!!!
I do believe however that animals can detect things that humans can't......all very interesting.
Of course it was @Anonymous but I went with Wispared on this one....:smileytongue: and thought I would bore folk to death with another piece of 'medical news'
I actually find it interesting @Cleoriff
01-04-2015 10:02 - edited 01-04-2015 10:05
01-04-2015 10:02 - edited 01-04-2015 10:05
I agree it is fascinating @Anonymous . I always tend to watch anything on TV that spreads the word on medical innovation....and read as much as I can. if I had my time again I may have started in nursing as before....but then branched into medical research. (though that sort of career is very isolated) ....
Having said all of the above...I do watch Noel Fitzpatrick (the supervet) and stand in awe at his research and development used primarily to help animals. The man is a legend...
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on 01-04-2015 10:52
on 01-04-2015 10:52
on 01-04-2015 12:54
@Cairdeas wrote:
Ooh I Love Supervet. Even tho I bubble most of the way through it lolx
I didn't know about Supervet, I shall look out for it now
I watch RSPCA = 2 x 1/2 hour programmed from Australia
but only a few of say Animal Cops Houston type as they do a test with rescued dogs which I do not believe in ie scratch a dog's back whilst it's feeding with what looks like a plastic long handled old fashioned toasting fork = to disturb the dog whilst feeding well tbh is someone did that to me I'd react badly = turn round pdq & smack 'em
from what I see on fb there are some very High Kill aninal shelters in USA, saw one recently where a small, very very young kitten had less than 1/2 hour to live as then closing time of shelter & little kitten would be killed ..... there was a big rally round and this one kitten, one kitten amongst many no doubt, was rescued
happy ending ..... yes I know there are a lot of charities in UK who do not euthenaise, & promote neutering/spaying of kittens/cats/puppies/dogs that come through their caring hands ..... = ..... you don't get to hear of them much on fb
Furever a Cat Lover xo
on 01-04-2015 13:57
tomorrow i'm going to open up the time capsule i buried when i was a kid.....cant wait to see how big my puppy got!!!
on 01-04-2015 19:19
on 01-04-2015 19:19
Hi @Anonymous just to let you know The Supervet is on Thursday nights Ch 4 at 8pm...Brilliant programme
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