on 28-03-2015 17:23
on 28-03-2015 17:23
C comes before D in the alphabet
Looks like something the cat's dragged in / Looks like a dog's breakfast
A cat may look at a king / A dog is man's best friend
Dogs come when called / Cats have ansaphones
Cats crap / Dogs doody
Dogs have masters / Cats have staff / All pigs are equal
on 31-03-2015 09:53
on 31-03-2015 09:53
on 31-03-2015 10:17
I had a pet claypigeon once.....but I accidently called him Paul!!
on 31-03-2015 13:30
on 31-03-2015 14:40
on 31-03-2015 17:00
on 31-03-2015 17:00
on 31-03-2015 17:35
on 31-03-2015 17:35
I've had dogs and cats (even the odd rabbit, budgie and tortoise) all my life up until 2 years ago and I would love the company of a faithful dog every night. However my current lifestyle makes it impossible but maybe in the future, who knows.
on 31-03-2015 19:00
when my previous cat called Wispa had to be put to sleep because her back end had gone & the vet told me she was in chronic pain ..... there were alternatives ..... but my decision to put her to sleep as her quality of life had so diminished 14.1/2 years she was ..... she could not even get herself ustairs anymore, let alone jump upon her chair in the living room, the one that had her pet blankets on ..... the vet frightened me by saying that it could take up to 3 minutes for her to stop jittering, but as the injection went into her front paw & we looked straight into each others eyes, the vet wouldn't let me hold her other paw ..... well her head simply flopped to one side gently & she was gone ..... instant floods of tears then with a handful of tissues as profferred box by kindly vet (never seen him before or since, as it happens)
I didn't/couldn't last for long without a cat in the house & it was agony before 10 days passed when the local charity organiser of Craven Cats Rescue could take me up to the cattery in her car ..... & me & Marty chose each other ..... he is asleep on the bottom of my bed now in a nest created by me/him of my this year's M&S fluffy flowered dressing gown ..... = ..... I am relegated to last years shocking pink one ..... yep, The Cat Rules My Household ..... :womanvery-happy:
on 31-03-2015 20:08
on 31-03-2015 20:08
A lovely (albeit sad) story Jane. I am a firm believer in being with your pet when the time comes to have them put to sleep.... A job that always falls on my shoulders as my husband wont do it.
Mind you on an amusing side note...we both say 'thats it... never again....no more pets'.....
If only we kept to that....
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 31-03-2015 21:12
on 31-03-2015 21:12
After my dog Ben passed I swore I would never go through that heartache again. I did last for 4 years til I heard Raffy's sad tale, and I fell in love with his wee face. I've had him 10 months now, and while he is still a very nervous dog, he is coming on...and getting cheekier by the day :smileywink:x
on 01-04-2015 08:39
Although dogs are unable to detect tumors.....apparently cats can!!!