on 14-09-2018 12:39
Finally, sanity has occurred and the "social experiment", Big Brother is ending!!!!
Always believed it should have been done once or twice then died way back in the 90's (was in Holland when it first came out and it made no sense then over what it wanted to achieve) but apparently the viewing publics disagreed with me. Dreadful program full stop.
on 18-09-2018 19:35
on 18-09-2018 19:35
I did watch bits from 2002 to 2006 (and some of the streaming on E4) as it was an interesting experiment I thought but as soon as it became clear they were selecting those that just wanted to get on TV I stopped watching.
Channel 4 knew it had run it's course and it probably should have ended there but wasn't suprised that the home of trash TV picked it up but it seems even they can't make it work.