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🎅🏻 🎄As 2020 draws to an end 🎄 🎅🏻

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Hey everyone, 


Wow, what a year 2020 turned out to be! From the speculate of US politics, Australia's wild fires, Brexit and a global pandemic to add the icing on the cake! anguished


I think most of us are going into 2021 with more optimism but before we get there lets highlight some of the positives of 2020! 


A study in Norway found that they can reduce bird strikes on wind turbines by up to 70% by simply painting one of the blades black! 


Ikea finally published the recipe for their famous meatballs so people can make them at home when in lockdown! 


Renewable electricity exceeded fossil fuel generation during the first half of 2020! Fossil fuel use fell by 18%, and renewable energy increased by 11%, too! 


After being hunted to extinction 400 years ago, beavers miraculously reappeared in Devon in 2013. After a study revealed their positive impact on the environment, the beavers have now been given the ‘right to stay’


Google has launched a new hum-to-search feature allowing you to whistle, sing or hum to discover the song! 


So, it wasen't all bad then. yahoo I'm hoping for a much better year in 2021 and will be making some new years resolutions to that end. 


We'd love to hear about some of the positives that you have taken away from 2020 and any resolutions you have for 2021! Let us know in the comments below! 

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I'm hoping with a new US President,  they take a greater interest and participate more in the fight against global warming! With Trump stating it was fake news, the US did very little to reduce their carbon emissions.

I also hope we see an end to Cov19 with the help of the vaccination programme and surely more money to be ploughed into the NHS, in an effort to get more staff which nowadays is pretty much at an all time low.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 13

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Hi all,

2020 has certainly been an *ahem* eventful year. As this year draws to a close, i am looking forward to more positives for next year, like being able to see different places around the country and being able to meet up with friends who i have made this year but have been otherwise unable to visit for one reason or other.

I know that the next few months at work is going to radically change for the better and i have a fair few learning courses and exams that i have to complete, but i hope that in doing so I can become better at my job and be able to help more people.

On a bit of a personal note i know that especially after this year i need to learn to do more self care things for my mental health and wellbeing. Whilst I don't do new year resolutions as such i need to incorporate things into my life to help my wellbeing in general. No good ploughing all my energy into others if i fail to help keep myself well.

Here is to a good 2021 for all 🎉
Message 3 of 13

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As I look back on 2020, I think of those we have lost to Covid-19 and the heroic efforts of the front-line doctors, nurses, and carers who have gone so far to help so many; and remember the famous who have entertained us for years but have sadly passed away.

On a more positive note, I recall the successes in the world of sport - not least Liverpool FC being Champions after 30 years of waiting, Coventry City being promoted, and Leeds Utd being promoted; and, of course, Lewis Hamilton`s amazing achievement in F1 and finally being recognised by being made Sir Lewis.

I don`t make New Year`s resolutions but am optimistic that the vaccines will be rolled out to millions and by effective in being a "game changer"; that the world will wake up to global warming and take action; and that 2021 will be a much better year for everyone. 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 4 of 13

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Just in case anyone's missed it in @Cleoriff's New Year thread.

Best Moments of 2020.jpg


Message 5 of 13

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Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better, as the saying goes

We are all praying that the vaccine gets rolled out quickly and proves to be effective.

As yet we don't know but I'm hoping I get to see my wife this summer

We've had to do with a facetime chat again as its already New Year over there

I don't think I've ever been so glad to see the back of a year

So many people have passed away this year, a lot of them down to dithering Boris and his make it up advisers.

Good riddance 2020!!

And now it's time to break out the lager and the Scotch, cheers everyone Cheers

Message 6 of 13

Not applicable
Do I have to be cheerful next year?
Message 7 of 13

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@Anonymous wrote:
Do I have to be cheerful next year?

Nah...stay exactly as you are....rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 13

Not applicable
Thank ****** for that
Message 9 of 13

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