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Summer Solstice at Stonehenge Will Be Livestreamed This Year | DestinAsian


Good Morning everyone. Today is the Longest day, or Summer Solstice

So it seemed a great time to do another One Sentence Story

This one is about The Summer Solstice and you may recognise one or two people involved.

It's your story so make it as mad, silly, weird, funny or creepy as you like.

You are only allowed to post one sentence and then wait for the next person to post another sentence before posting again.

I hope our regulars @pgn @TallTrees @MI5 @Anonymous  @gmarkj  @LukasB @TheresaV @Martin-O2 @Chris_K (and anyone I've missed, will join in) yahoo

I've set the scene below, so away we go......



Four friends - Marty, Luke, Terry (who was a girl called Theresa but hated the name, so Terry it was) and Chris took a trip to Stonehenge to watch the sunset at Summer Solstice. They stayed at a little village called Goreshead.

Before the sunset at 21.27, the friends decided to take part in a quiz at a very weird pub called

A Stab in The Dark.

Weird because despite the sun outside, the pub was dark and quite dingy. The lights were on even though the sun was out..


When they arrived they were welcomed by the Manager and his two bar staff. The Manager was called Peter Jones, but preferred to be known as  Pee Jean. He was rather funny looking as he said he was unable to get a haircut since lockdown , he fancied himself as a wordsmith and always took part in the pub quizzes. His two bar staff were Gill Shortbush (who kept bees) and Denny Riffraff (who kept cats….and was pretty good at doing the Timewarp).


The pub was quite full and on the stage was the Quizmaster called Miami-Jo. He was a real character surrounded by books and his quiz questions. Renowned for setting hard questions, as he was fed up of PeeJean, Gill Shortbush and Denny Riffraff winning every time.

Everyone gets drinks from the bar and with  that, a bell rings and the quiz starts.

Luke mutters to his friends..'Look if you don't know the answer, stop putting my name down all the time, I feel stupid'. Terry, Marty and Chris laugh and say, "well you are stupid Lukey boy". Luke kicks Terry's leg under the table and says he will pay her back for that one  day.


The quiz starts and the first two questions were easy. Everyone scribbled their answers down. Then the quiz got harder with a chemistry question being asked.

Suddenly there was a big bang and the lights went out

People reached for their phones to get some light but nothing worked.

5 minutes later the lights came on. The rest of the customers seemed frozen, they weren't moving.

An almighty scream was heard from Terry who pointed at Miami Jo who lay slumped over the table with his head caved in.

In front of Miami Jo was another table which held a hammer, an axe, a knife and a lead pipe...and then.......

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 93

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Yes, brilliant @Cleoriff, love the names you came up with and how you incorporated everyone in the story yahoo Sad to see we didn't get to do our sacrifice though upside_down


Thanks for the laughs and for creating this @Cleoriff wink

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Message 71 of 93

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I knew it @Cleoriff  - Thanks @TheresaV for sacrifising me right away hahaha

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@LukasB wrote:

I knew it @Cleoriff  - Thanks @TheresaV for sacrifising me right away hahaha

I didn't @LukasB I just made the suggestion upside_down

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Message 73 of 93

Not applicable
Waited around as long as I could for it to be posted but I had to go out. Look forward to reading it.
Message 74 of 93

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OK, here we go, Your Summer Solstice story in full....


                          🌖👻👁 𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 👁 👻🌖


Four friends - Marty, Luke, Terry (who was a girl called Theresa but hated the name, so Terry it was) and Chris took a trip to Stonehenge to watch the sunset at Summer Solstice. They stayed at a little village called Goreshead.

Before the sunset at 21.27, the friends decided to take part in a quiz at a very weird pub called A Stab in The Dark.


Weird because despite the sun outside, the pub was dark and quite dingy. The lights were on even though the sun was out

When they arrived they were welcomed by the Manager and his two bar staff. The Manager was called Peter Jones, but preferred to be known as  Pee Jean. He was rather funny looking as he said he was unable to get a haircut since lockdown , he fancied himself as a wordsmith and always took part in the pub quizzes. His two bar staff were Gill Shortbush (who kept bees) and Denny Riffraff (who kept cats….and was pretty good at doing the Timewarp).

The pub was quite full and on the stage was the Quizmaster called Miami-Jo. He was a real character surrounded by books and his quiz questions. Renowned for setting hard questions, as he was fed up of PeeJean, Gill Shortbush and Denny Riffraff winning every time.

Everyone gets drinks from the bar and with  that, a bell rings and the quiz starts.

Luke mutters to his friends..'Look if you don't know the answer, stop putting my name down all the time, I feel stupid'. Terry, Marty and Chris laugh and say, "well you are stupid Lukey boy". Luke kicks Terry's leg under the table and says he will pay her back for that one  day.


The quiz starts and the first two questions were easy. Everyone scribbled their answers down. Then the quiz got harder with a chemistry question being asked.

Suddenly there was a big bang and the lights went out

People reached for their phones to get some light but nothing worked.

5 minutes later the lights came on. The rest of the customers seemed frozen, they weren't moving.

An almighty scream was heard from Terry who pointed at Miami Jo who lay slumped over the table with his head caved in.

In front of Miami Jo was another table which held a hammer, an axe, a knife and a lead pipe...and then.......


Terry screamed when she saw the blood and hid behind Luke, who said "We`re geniuses! We can solve who killed Miami Jo". At which point, the frozen customers woke up, dazed and confused, and asked "What`s happened?"



"Miami Jo's been killed", yelled Marty, "look at the blood, look at his head, look at the gore" (Goreshead see)..


"Never mind the blood and the gore" said Terry, stamping her foot in temper, "We came to see the summer solstice not get caught up in a murder"....


All the unfrozen customers crowd around to see what Marty was shouting about they were shocked and frightened. One shook Miami Jo and his head rolled on to the floor.


Chris said," we can see the sunset, we can take Miami Jo with us in a wheelbarrow as magical things happen when the sun goes down at Stonehenge".....

So, Marty went on to pick up Miami Jo's head when he discovered that.


...her hair was a wig! How to get ahead...


There were two heads so who else said Gill Shortbush....screaming 



It wasn't Miami Jo's head at all. It belonged to a guy called M69, who had been counting all his phones, and it was his head which had fallen off... Miami Jo's head was still on but caved in...


Are we going to Stonehenge shouts Denny Riffraff


The other customers didn`t seem too bothered that M69`s head had fallen off and rolled across the pub floor, nor that Miami Jo had had his head caved in, and, in fact, the Calm Young Man who had been sitting quietly in the corner (thinking of ways to change his name), looked considerably older, as though he had aged within the minutes the lights had been out, and he was getting angrier and angrier, shouting "too blooming hot in here, even wearing shorts, I'm off for a bike ride"


Looking around the knife was missing,  noticed Riffraff 


Luke jumped up and shouted "Right, folks. Let's find out who did this. I didn't come here to see heads rolling and men aging."


Then Marty saw the knife was stuck in Pee Jean's leg and he was hobbling and shouting help


After Denny Riffraff had asked "Are we going to Stonehenge?", Chris asked her for a wheelbarrow, placed Miami Jo in it and the four friends - Chris, Terry, Marty and Luke - wheeled Miami Jo outside and they all went off to watch the sunset


Marty noticed the bar staff were looking very shifty...the 4 friends wheeled Miami Jo to the sunset when something weird happened..


Denny had to stay in the pub but wanted to go to stone henge she saw Miami jo in the wheelbarrow and wait also....


All the bar staff had to stay in the pub as people were rushing for drinks. After the lockdown, they had their priorities right...meanwhile back at the 'henge the sun was setting and Miami Jo...


turned bright red (or what's left of him) and started turning in the wheelbarrow


As the sunset finally set behind Stonehenge, Miami Jo suddenly awoke like a zombie, climbed out of the wheelbarrow and staggered back towards the pub with gore still dripping from his head.... 


He gets back to the pub and customers yelling don't come near us. I can't bear brains in my beer whilst another one said nor blood in my Bloody Mary and another one screamed, 'don't get blood on my dress you fool, it won't come out even with a boil wash. (Meanwhile PeeJean was pulling the knife out of his leg (which people had forgotten about rofl)



Miami Jo grabbed hold of the woman who had complained about blood on her dress, gouged her eyes out using the knife pulled out of Pee Jean`s leg, threw the woman in the corner and said, in a gutteral voice, "Now you won't ever see blood on" but he then vomited blood, lost his voice, and staggered back to his seat when a weird thing happened…


...his blood turned to a luminescent green ichor…


Meanwhile, Denny Riffraff jumps on the bar and shouts Lets Do The Timewarp Again..


OMG I feel sick too 


They all heard a huge BANG at the Pub from Stonehenge!

Stonehenge was now in darkness and the Pagans arrived one by one,

at the Pub the loud bang was


... quickly traced to a blockage in the Guinness lines from the keg to the pump…


Miami Jo started tapping his fingers in his own blood and gore on the table, and people thought he was doing his own Timewarp, and Terry said to Luke "Come on. We love a good dance"


Pee Jean's left leg wobbled...


Terry said we should be at Stonehenge dancing with the pagans so.....

Despite the bang at the Stab in The Dark Pub and the Guinness lines being blocked, as well as the Pagans wandering about aimlessly....Terry yelled, what's Miami Jo doing tapping his fingers in his green ichor blood? he doing the Timewarp or?......


Truly I feel a bit lost said Gill Shortbush ~

what is truly going on here?


It all felt like a dream for the four friends, who only came to Stonehenge to sacrifice the weakest member of their group, Luke, and pray for good fortune and riches


"You`re not going to sacrifice me" said Luke, as Miami Jo continued to tap on the table and then dipped his finger in the blood and wrote Q3 in big letters on the pub wall...


It was going quite well the sacrifice of Luke .... because Gill Shortbush was hiding behind her back (whilst she madly served beer to the crowd ... the AXE which was indeed the implement chosen to use to end Luke's short but interesting life then....


Hang on says Marty...let me see what's been written on these Quiz questions....oh and put the axe down Gill while I look.... I think  Miami Jo is writing Morse Code....


Chris grabbed the axe off Gill Shortbush and said to Terry, Marty and Luke, "I agree with Marty and I think Miami Jo has been tapping Morse Code and now he`s written Q3 in blood on the pub wall, so you three go and collect up all the quiz answers... "


...despite Gill Shortbush's extremely close shave with…

…a chainsaw and a toothpick


The questions were collected and the 4 friends noticed the bar staff had got the chemistry question wrong…


Miami Jo continued to tap away when Marty picked up his quiz questions and noticed Q4 was morse code…


It's all because of this damn stupid quiz set by Miami Jo said Terry...We all got the chemistry question right except the bar staff so then the next question was Morse code so…


A mist came down across the room and figures in pagan rags from Stonehenge appeared at the pub door and...


... and Marty said to the pagans "You`re too late for the pub quiz..." and said to the pub customers, "the next question should have been Morse code", at which point Luke got very excited and jumped up and down shouting, in his best Poirot accent "We have used our little grey cells and we know who attacked Miami Jo and caved his head in"


Luke strikes a pose and says....

"Feast your eyes, boys and girls!"


Terry asked meekly do you think Chris did it? Then the pagans attacked the Bar staff to get the 🍺 Gill Shortbush took up the axe and…


...took up Chemistry with a full blown a salt on...




"No, not Luke", said Chris, "Denny Riffraff smashed Miami Jo`s head in", at which point, Denny Riffraff jumped over the bar, slipped on the gore and was sat on by Luke, Marty and Terry...


The whole pub chanted Luke Luke Luke

...when Pee Jean's weapon, a bar staff of knobbly repute, connected with......Denny Riffraff and Peejean said well I know it's not me either so....who is it Marty...??


Yeh and where was Terry at the time??


And how do you know it was Denny Riffraff?? (said everyone rather bemused)


Chris grinned and said "it wasn`t Terry. It was Denny Riffraff".

How do I know it was Denny Riffraff? 

It had to be the landlord or bar staff, as they were the only that team got Q3 the chemistry question wrong; and we know how much they hated the next question - Q4 on Morse Code. Miami Jo tapping Morse Code gave me the clue that it was one of you. But which one?

The answer is in the weapon - the lead pipe used to smash Miami Jo`s head in - because I found traces of cat hair on it and the only person here who owns cats is.... Denny RiffRaff!"


Yeh, Chris DO TELL US the truth.

OK I am losing the will to live so I will accept it was Denny Riffraff said Gill Shortbush who was now sitting in a corner drinking beer to cheer herself up (She wanted it to be Luke)


Chris said "Listen Denny Riffraff and Gill Smallbush... I`ll repeat what I said...

The clue to Who-dun-it was in the weapon - the lead pipe was used to smash Miami Jo`s head in - because I found traces of cat hair on it and the only person here who owns cats is.... Denny RiffRaff!"


Yeh but there is a pub cat Gill Shortbush said  so it could have been Chris YOU or PEE JEAN


So Denny Riffraff was caught redhanded..she was the only one with a GINGER cat...the pub cat was black Lol... The druids looked sad as did Terry, Marty and Chris...They really wanted to sacrifice Luke....but things never happen as you want them Happy Summer Solstice everyone...go and have a drink while we think of some punishment for Denny Riffraff,...













Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 75 of 93

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Finally, whilst I want to thank all of you who took part, a special thanks goes to Miami-Jo rofl...  @Mi-Amigo  who helped a lot with this larger than normal story. We have been bouncing ideas off each other for about two weeks now...

Thankfully  @Mi-Amigo  is as mad as he helped a lot. rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 76 of 93

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Brilliant @Cleoriff and well done @Mi-Amigo for creating this together with @Cleoriff. This turned out amazing and I do feel like the characters work so well joy

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Message 77 of 93

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Thank you @Cleoriff for the special mention.

It has been an absolute pleasure to bounce ideas around with you over the past couple of weeks, but the credit for this brilliant One Sentence Story must go to you.

And thank you for keeping my insane sense of humour in check [when needed] as it often runs riot and thanks to everyone who took part and contributed and hope everyone likes their "new name" yahoo  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Typically hilarious nonsense tongue
Well done all.
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Message 79 of 93

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@MI5 wrote:
Typically hilarious nonsense tongue
Well done all.

Thanks M69....rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 80 of 93