on 05-06-2020 11:54
How do I get a VAT invoice - if I download my "bill" it shows vat but states "this is not a VAT invoice"?
on 05-06-2020 12:02
Hi @rtc
From O2.
We don’t issue a VAT invoice on the device plans every month, the Refresh agreement is a credit agreement and unless it’s a business account we are not obliged to produce monthly VAT invoices. Customer services can complete a form to send out a device plan VAT invoice for a specific month but this needs to be requested by the customer each time they need it and will be sent via post.
A regular VAT invoice can be turned on by calling customer services for the airtime only, once the service is on the account the customer should then get the VAT invoice sent to them via post monthly.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-06-2020 12:02
You need to ask customer service to enable vat invoicing
Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support The best number to call on appears to be 0800 587 4005