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o2 network getting worse not getting better

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So recent trips in teh UK has shown o2 to be lagging and behind the times! 


1) at a holiday park in Norfolk, for 3 days no signal my partners phone 3 worked fine, had to tether off her phone so I could use wifi calling to make calls and send texts! she had full 4G


2) Thetford forrest! once again no signal at all, Partners phone 3 full service


3) Cornwall, intermitent service


the best one!! 


4) reading and leeds festival! at Reading and guess what no signal at all, reading is a major town and no signal from o2! despite text from o2 saying they had boosted the signal for the festival! couldnt even get onto Facebook to upload a vid or do a live feed! 


o2 as a network seem to be lagging and being way behind the times with coverage as well as charging sill;y money for what you get! im paying £70 a month for unltd mins and text with 30gb of data and i cant even tether!! where as my partner pays £58 and gets ultd everything including unltd data and 30gbn of tethering per month, even EE are offering for £58 unltd texts, calls and 50gb of Data! when are o2 going to realise that they are stiffing their customers, overcharging their customers and providing proberbly the worst network covergage and worst 4G speeds?? o2 seem to be overcharging yet not investing in their network infrostructure! 


pfffffft Bang

Message 1 of 18

Level 30: Meditator
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@jonsie where abouts in Manchester are you? I find the coverage for O2 in Manchester to be really good, and in many places including in and around Market Street O2 show full 4G service where as BT (which runs on EE) has only 3 bars (same phone).

Admittedly I haven't bothered with speed tests as for what I'm using the phone for it meets what I need
Message 11 of 18

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The centre of Manchester is very good, around 30 meg down and 18 up. I'm in Salford for the foreseeable future so on the fringe so to speak. Outside in the hospital grounds I get around 3 and 3.

Inside, and I know it's the building, I struggle to get a decent 2G signal. Hence the reason I ported my payandgo number to EE. Whilst not brilliant signal is much better inside and out. I have 4G typing this. 

Message 12 of 18

Not applicable

buildings do play a vital part in signal quality due to the type of building and amount of electrical equipment inside a building can cause signal to decline, but as an outdoor coverage you should get a pretty decent level or a level that is usable. but when your outdoors and your signal and data speeds are so low then that needs to be raised as an issue to the network and they should give you a satasifactory reason, not just going on a coverage checker and saying "oh yeas you get good indoor and outdoor"... no thats noty the case they are not their they are not physicly in that location trying to get basic phone functions! anyone can go ona coverage site and see what the signal "should" be... 

Message 13 of 18

Not applicable

So I have been thinking about my last post and the charges and network outages in area's taht state they have excellent 4G coverage, i have decided that I am to write to o2 and challenge these network issues and prices, would it be better to go through complaints and just to be offered a network credit or chase to have a line disconection with £0 fee's ?? whats your opinions and thoughts?? 



Message 14 of 18

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Initially you need to go through complaints and if they don't resolve it to your satisfaction then ask for a deadlock letter and take it further via the methods on the complaints page. Also use Resolver, link on the same page. 

Keep a copy of all communications including dates and outcome of phone calls. 

Message 15 of 18

Not applicable

nice one thanks @jonsie thats a great help thank you! i just cant justify £70p.m for a network that struggles to keep up when on the move and out and about. still running at 5mbps in central london so its not really 4G at all! and struggling to dial out on calls in certain area's of central london al be the systems state everyuthing is working tickerty boo!! 

Message 16 of 18

Not applicable

so further update on this saga!! sat at home last night apparantly i get excellent indoor and outdoor 4g coverage, i have a o2 mast less then half a mile away from me, yet the 4G and 3G is STILL not strong enough to carry a FaceTime call without intervention of wifi and that is both indoor and outdoor! yet o2 are dismissing my claims of poor signal because the "agent" is just reading off the coverage checker on line and refering me back to this without trying to offer any form of guidance or help... and even still getting huge data lag whilst at work in Central London... still waiting for complaints team to come back to me... 

Message 17 of 18

Level 25: Hard Hitter
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Have you not used the resolver link? They field the complaints with O2 for you and I've heard ppl say they've had good outcomes by using them?
Message 18 of 18