on 27-07-2015 18:01
What is the difference between a current customer (me) upgrading after my contract is up, and a new o2 customer?
Just wondering as I've been with o2 since the BT Cellnet days, and it seems that if I want to upgrade my phone, there's not really any incentive to do so if it's just the same deals for new customers anyway and I'm not saving any money.
on 27-07-2015 18:03
on 27-07-2015 18:04
on 27-07-2015 18:07
on 27-07-2015 18:07
on 27-07-2015 18:11
on 27-07-2015 18:11
on 27-07-2015 18:15
on 27-07-2015 18:15
If you don't ask, you don't get. If you call Customer Service and tell them you're thinking of leaving, they may or may not be able to offer you an incentive to stay. If you do decide to leave, just make sure you can get good coverage with whoever you go with. As has been said many many times before, a good deal is useless if you can't get a decent signal in the places you frequent most.