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X10 firmware update, when (if?) is it coming?

Not applicable
Seeing as how the rest of the world has this update (including O2 in Ireland) does anyone know if this will ever see the light of day in the UK?

The last I heard from tech support is that there was 'no timescale' for the new firmware. Back in my dark days in IT that usually meant 'when we can be bothered' or 'never'. A pity, seeing as it solves quite a few issues and improves performance of the phone.

Have O2 gone down the road of the X1, Aino and Satio and just abandoned the X10? Or is it worth waiting? Or do we just de-brand to get support from Sony Ericsson?
Message 1 of 51

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check out seunlock. com. its 9quid to debrand to uk generic
Message 31 of 51

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After this fiasco I decided to unbrand my X10 and it was the best thing I ever did.

There are plenty of tutorials and utilities out there that will show you how. Just do your homework and you literally cannot go wrong.

023 was great. Vastly extended battery life, smoother operation etc. It felt like a new handset.

026 is not so good. The WiFi bug prior to 023 has returned but I've heard from reliable sources that it will be fixed in the next update (within the next couple of weeks, or couple of years if you're still branded).

I cannot believe how lazy O2 have been about this situation and the responses I received from their 'Customer Services' were mainly stonewalling, delaying tactics or just showed extremely poor product knowledge.

Maybe SE should stick an Apple badge on their next handsets. O2 might support it then.

Basically, if you have an X10 through O2 the best thing you can do is debrand. You won't look back.
Message 32 of 51

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someone on a site has put a way of rooting the phone (debranding it) with a one touch system where u install the apk fil and press it and it debrands the phone automaitcally. im considering it tbh
Message 33 of 51

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The new one touch root that you are talking about is incredibly simple, and works very well. However, it does not debrand the phone, and so you will still not be able to update until O2 finally decide we are worthy of their time. Having root access means you can delete lots of the things that come with the phone that you previously couldn't, it means you can change the font if you want, and importantly, it means you can flash different software to the phone. This would be when you put updated firmware on it, but it is a similar process to the debrand tutorials out there already, if you Google 'debrand X10', the top result is the main one.
Message 34 of 51

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I sent a direct email to directors of o2 and mycare emailed me back with this response.

Hello Aaron

Thanks for your email about firmware updates. I'm sorry for the
inconvenience caused to you.

With regards to the availability of Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 firmware
update (R2BA020-R2BA024 and R2BA026), I'm unable to comment on it as our
backend team keeps all the record. However, you can keep a tab on our
website. Whenever it'll be available on our website, you'll be able to
download it straight away.

I hope this helps. If you need any further help, please reply to this
email visit our online Help Centre at:

Kind regards

O2 Customer Service

Telefonica O2 UK Limited, Registered in England No 1743099. Registered
Office: 260 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4DX.

I have sent a reply to this seems to me the updates will never come
Message 35 of 51

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im weary of debranding as it can cause netowkr problems from what im told. i dont see how come we are the back of the line but tbh htc custromers are due a firmware update and guess what 02 seem to be pushing that back and back sayiong its being tested.... can see a trend happening here unless ur an iphone customer u dont get updates that are needed
Message 36 of 51

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Recieved this today:-
Dear Mr Larkin

Ronan Dunne thanks you for your email of 10 August 2010 which he’s asked me to look into and respond to on his behalf.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re unhappy at not being able to obtain the latest firmware for your phone and I can appreciate the concern this may have caused you.

I’ve liaised with our devices team and they have confirmed that the new software has been delayed due to technical issues that would have resulted in a very poor customer experience. The devices team have been working with Sony Ericsson to resolve these problems and they’ve advised me that the update was approved two days ago and it should be available before the end of next week.

I’m sure you can understand the need for us to make sure that the customer experience is satisfactory before we make new firmware available on our network. I’m disappointed that we’ve not been able to provide specific release dates before, but until the firmware was approved no information would have been available.

If I can help with anything else, please call me on 0845 330 0683 or email me. I’m usually available Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 5pm.

Kind regards


Rich Chew Executive Relations

t 0845 3300683


Winner – Complaints Team of the Year 2008 & 2009
Message 37 of 51

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Sounds promising but i'll believe it when i see it.
Message 38 of 51

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You can now believe it!!! At last the update is available. I updated this morning via SEUS (not sure if its available OTA). Updates to R2BA026.
Message 39 of 51

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Does it use the new backup restore option and better battery. I will be trying tonight after work
Message 40 of 51