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Windows 6 on HTC HD2 - No support from O2

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Microsoft have pulled support for this operating system and the Apps store for my phone might as well not exist. i have e mailed o2 to ask them what they are going to do, but not holding my breath. Would be happy to swap my phone for a W7 pjone but with 10 months of my contract to run i can imagine O2s responce.
HTC will not offer W7 for my phone, it is available illegally but i wont touch that as my warranty will be null and void.
Any one else in this position and equally frustrated with O2?
Message 1 of 13

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I don't quite get your point here. Its been quite clear there is no retrospective upgrade to WP7 due to the specific requirements set by MS over hardware. Unfortunately that does include the HD2.
MS have never really supported upgrades in WM6 other than to OEMs like HTC. Basically if it came with a particular version that's it and unless the manufacturer releases an upgrade, forget it. Even my Zest has only one minor upgrade and I know of an unofficial 6.5 version. Would I upgrade to it? No, as I'm happy with 6.1 and it does the job remarkably well.
I believe the HD2 came with v6.5 which is the last version ever and I recall the WM6 app store is about to be shutdown. Still, there's always freewarepocketpc!
But if you want to cut your losses then sell the HD2 and get a sim free WP7 and drop to simplicity when you can.
Message 2 of 13

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I don't see what you are asking for here? You buy a new car, then 6 months later they release a new model, same brand. You don't go asking for it do you.
Anyway, as Sheepdog said, sell your existing phone and buy a new one. Or if they very kindly offered you a replacement then do that.
Message 3 of 13

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I not dripping because i want W7, am happy with W6. My complaint is that O2 made a big advertising claim when i bought the phone that one of the major attractions was the burgeoning Apps store. i am 6 months into the contract and MS have pulled support. No one can put any new Apps into the store, there are only a few hundred in there and there will be no more. This phone is now next to useless as a smartphone. O2, at best misled me and at worse are in breach of contract for not ensuring that a service they promised in their ad is provided for the duration of the contract. It is piss poor customer service from O2 (my service and phone supplier), HTC as the manufacturer (O2 rang HTC and HTC have no intention of proving W7 for the HD2) and Microsoft as the software support team. Why should i, the lowly cutomer at the end of the chain pick up the bill for this . I refuse to do so. My direct debit is now cancelled, a contract with Vodafone will be signed up to today and O2 can spend the next year or 2 chasing me for the money.
As for the car analogy, if BMW found that software controlling their ECU on their latest 5 series were no longer supported by the software house, they would recall the car and issue free software. it is called customer service and i refuse to put up with poor service. Maybe if more people did this the service providers and their supply chain would up their game.
Out of interest, W7 can be installed on the phone, may have done this, just happens to be illegal, so i will not follow suit.
Message 4 of 13

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I got my HD2 nearly 18months ago with the promise of WP7 upgrade upon release :womanindifferent: Sadly that wasn't to be :robotmad: So i put Android on it as soon as i could and never looked back. Yes it does void my warranty but if the phone needs to be sent back i can always put it back to WP6 grin
Message 5 of 13

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They can only advertise the features of the handset as they exist at the time, no guarantees are ever made about "the duration of the contract" because these features are nothing to do with any phone network.
Your contract with O2 is only for the service that THEY provide, not for anything to do with phone features provided by the manufacturer and if what you have written is accurate then you are wilfully putting yourself in breach of it.
Don't kid yourself that O2 will try to chase you for the contract payments, or even feel mildly put out over your stance. After the appropriate time and reminders they will sell your debt to a collection agency and your credit rating will be ruined for several years. I don't recommend you go down that road as the only loser would be you.
Now, having said all that, was the HD2 supplied to you with a promise of an upgrade to W7 when it came out, by O2? If so the point that this was the only reason you agreed to a new contract and chose that phone may well be a valid reason to ask for a replacement phone. Otherwise, unless your phone has actually stopped working, they don't seem to be in breach of anything, even though I agree that it's appalling that support and the app store for the phone is being scrapped while it's still fairly current, surely this is a Microsoft issue, rather than an O2 one?
Message 6 of 13

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This phone is now next to useless as a smartphone. O2, at best misled me and at worse are in breach of contract for not ensuring that a service they promised in their ad is provided for the duration of the contract.

Er if you're willing to sell there is no shortage of buyers on ebay. Makes a great satnav device and MS Office integration is excellent. Hardly useless! Actually was looking to get one myself recently to upgrade my Zest whilst waiting for WP7 to get better.

.... My direct debit is now cancelled, a contract with Vodafone will be signed up to today and O2 can spend the next year or 2 chasing me for the money.

Is it really worth the years of suffering you'll go through over a phone? Please do pay off your contract as soon as possible because it really is not worth having a debt collector at your door let alone the damage you'll do to your own credit rating.
If you want to follow up, make a complaint to the o2 Complaint Review Service though in all honesty, you may get nothing or money off a phone/contract.
BTW, it is an MS issue over how they do support for legacy. O2 will still happily repair the phone over the contract but software wise, its as above.
Message 7 of 13

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may be being a bit naive here, can i sell the phone while it is under contract. If i can, may well do this and use the money to pay off O2.

Complaint has been made to O2, made 4 weeks ago, no reply. made another one yesterday with a claim of breach of contract and mis selling on their part with a 28 day notice from me for termination of contract. I may be pissing in the wind, just really grates when MS, HTC and O2 say they will do one thing, get you on contract and then proceed to degrade the service..and then expect the customer to pick up the bill. Just hacks me off.

O2 should not be able to just walk away from this, they are the only people I have a contract with...i await their reply and will of course drop a copy of it into here should i actually get one from them.
Message 8 of 13

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Oddly once you've taken on a contract you are free to sell the phone. The sim you cannot as that is property of the network. In effect you are renting the sim and use of the mobile network. Providing you meet the payments no network cares what phone you use as it is not written into the contract that you should use the phone provided.
Of course, if you have a problem with your own choice of phone, o2 won't give you much help.
Message 9 of 13

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Phone will be on e bay tonight and i will use the money raised to get out of the contract.
I don't think i will ever return to a Windows phone, not after this experience. Android or Apple for me from now on i think.
Message 10 of 13