on 07-08-2017 11:11
on 07-08-2017 12:06
on 07-08-2017 12:06
Seems they have restricted the phone because of non payment. Hopefully complaints will get back to you soon. Seems a lot just for connecting those two times and you should only be charged £40 per billing period as I understand it.
on 07-08-2017 12:10
on 07-08-2017 12:10
on 07-08-2017 12:34
on 07-08-2017 12:34
@madasaf1sh wrote:
Where did you travel to as the £40 cap only applied to the EU and not outside..
Not true at all http://international.o2.co.uk/internationaltariffs/travelling_abroad#
on 07-08-2017 13:33
on 07-08-2017 13:33
UPDATE - I have been blacklisted as well due to an "insurance claim". I went to the O2 store and the person was very helpful and said that I have been blacklisted and he has requested it to be removed.
on 07-08-2017 13:34
on 07-08-2017 13:34
on 07-08-2017 13:37
on 07-08-2017 13:37
on 07-08-2017 13:45
on 07-08-2017 13:45
ANOTHER UPDATE - It seems as though when I recieved my new phone in 2016, an O2 Travel Higher Bolt on was added; which is very unusual considering I havent abroad since 2014 and had no reason to be adding something of the sort. I added the standard O2 Travel in 2014 when I travelled Europe however there was no "higher" package of the sort at the time so it seems as though it was added when I received my phone..
on 07-08-2017 13:52
on 07-08-2017 13:52
This must be the "heavy user" 200MB (or £120) bolt on.
on 07-08-2017 13:53
on 07-08-2017 13:53
on 07-08-2017 13:54
on 07-08-2017 13:54