on 12-10-2012 17:05
on 12-10-2012 17:05
I'm in Kent and like many others have suffered "no signal" all afternoon as I did in July. I have been O2 for many years and have never had as much trouble as in the last few months. Maybe they should concentrate on their systems and less on pushing new "tricks". I am seriously thinking of changing service providers at my next end of contract.
on 12-10-2012 20:31
on 12-10-2012 20:31
o2 is getting worse, i have had more problems in the last 4 months than i have ever had in 8 years.
Customer services dont help, and every option you try when calling from a landline you are cut off, also like the fact half the contact content does not display on o2's website
on 12-10-2012 20:43
on 12-10-2012 20:43