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Very poor, very unprofessional live chat customers services

Not applicable

I terminated all of my O2 contracts in Aug 2013, and O2 charged me 10 pounds TWICE after all of my contracts are terminated. I contacted O2 in Oct 2013 and they apologised about it and promised the money will be back into my account in the next few days.


I was forgotten about it till last night, then I started the conversation via live chat (the nightmare starts from here).


I spoke to the first person, explain who I am, what is going to, etc, etc, everything was going smooth, he checked my record, I did not say much but he was totally understood what was happening (because I did not mention which number went wrong and he can clear say this is due to one of my number), then he said he need to pass it to his manager. The manager asked me a few security questions, however after answering all of my questions, he has stopped responding. After 10 mins later, another person jumped into the chatroom and said there is a "technical problem" in the previous connection, I need to speak to him instead.


I said I don't want to speak to him as I need to repeat the story again, please pass it to back to the manager I was speaking to. The person jumped into the chatroom did not respond about it and spent another 5-10 mins to check my history (and he still don't know what is happening, I started feeling very furstrated), then I have to explain everything from beginning again. Spending another half an hour of explaination, he suddently said I am not the account holder?? (then I started feeling very angry as there are at least 3-4 customers services I spoke to are able tell me that the problem is under the specific number. I am 100% sure that I started the contact and terminated the contract myself, who else can be the account holder??). Then I insisted I need to speak to his manager.


Then I have to repeat my story to the FORTH CUSTOMER SERVICE I met in the same night, name Jack, checking my account details, security questions, etc etc for the THIRD TIME OF THE DAY, and he spent another 5-10 mins checking my history AGAIN!! Spending another half an hour he was telling the same answer as I am not the account holder. This time he hinted me that the account has been changed, then I told this was happened under my name and taken money from my account, but the manager insisted he cannot answer any question as I am not the account holder.


Okay, then I asked my friend (the new account holder) to come over to my house and we both sat together to solve this out. Then we started our conversation with the FIFTH CUSTOMERS SERVICE I met in the same night, This time we started the conversation with the NEW ACCOUNT HOLDER, and we think the problem should be solved, however this time he was saying he cannot read the previous account transaction (I was feeling the last two customer service is totally bxxx sxxxing me as this is nothing to do with the new account holder). We tried to explain the story AGAIN in every detail as he started to get confuse, we thought we kind of getting there, the customer service kept telling he cannot read the previous account holder detail, (I spoke to more than 6 PEOPLE with the same issue and no one telling me than they cannot read my details) and he started with ANOTHER FUNNY QUESTION of what is your GEM number?? We kept telling him that we do not know the GEM number as this contract had been terminated fore more than half a year, then I insisited I need to speak to his manager.


I spoke to the SIXTH PERSON OF TEH DAY!!!! EXPLAIN...... CHECKING MY HISTORY.......  SECURITY QUESTIONS........................ The manger kind of understand waht is happening, and he promised the money shall be transferred in next few days (shall I believe it??)


You might be annoyed while you were reading this, but I was the person in this situtation, I was 100 times more annoyed than anyone!! To be honest, this is not a lot of money, I understand the system might do some incomprehensible, I am happy yo solve this. I thought it can be done in 20 mins, enentually I spoke to SIX different person, explain everything again again and again, telling me the unreal situtation, it finally took be blxxdy 3 hours to get this done??!! 


To be honest, I have been using O2 for 7-8 years as they used to have a very good customer services, but after yesterday experience, I can say I made a very good decision of leaving O2.

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Hi Jason,

Sorry to hear about the problems you had with Chat and I hope that in future things run more smoothly.

Thanks for your suggestions too, I shall pass them onto the team. If you have any thoughts or ideas, head over to our Official Chat feedback thread.
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Message 5 of 5

Level 94: Supreme
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We always advise on here to talk directly to customer service rather than use outsourced chat. As you have found it can be incredibly frustrating keep repeating and waiting for answers.

Bear in mind that the adviser you are chatting to may be on multiple chats at once.

Don't quite understand your point about old account holder and new account holder? Did you transfer it to someone?
Message 2 of 5

Not applicable
As jonsie says we advise to speak to UK customer services in the phone for account enquiries.

Sometimes things are lost in translation with the non UK outsourced call centre's. ..

I hope you have checked that your alternative network provides strong signal where you live , work and commute. Best way is to obtain some payg SIM cards and try them out for a few weeks if your phone is unlocked to all networks. ..

Take care.
Message 3 of 5

Not applicable

To be honest, I think I made a right decision of making a live chat instead of calling them. I believe such things (maybe not exactly the same things) will be happened, i.e. cut me off for some reasons, asking the same stupid questions, etc, etc, this will make me out of control and don't know what will happen. 


I don't understand they do not allow me speaking to the person I spoke before, they know my story, they know what they should do. The O2 system should have record of my conversation, i.e. who I was speaking to, they can call me back if they are busy, put me on hold, email me, arrange an online meeting, etc, whatever they can do, AS SIMPLE AS THAT, that will save us lots of time to repeat and repeat and repeat and questions after questions after questions.


I am not clever and it might be a stupid suggestion, but I am sure this is a lot simple and convenient method to solve the problem!!!

Message 4 of 5

Former Staff
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Hi Jason,

Sorry to hear about the problems you had with Chat and I hope that in future things run more smoothly.

Thanks for your suggestions too, I shall pass them onto the team. If you have any thoughts or ideas, head over to our Official Chat feedback thread.
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