on 22-11-2023 08:00
Morning everyone
My wife was a victim of fraud 2 months ago, immediately reported it to 02 and nothing has happened. The fraudsters "bought" a couple of expensive phones using her account details and although they did not get the phones delivered, it is getting charged against my wife's account and O2 have taken money from her bank against a phone that has never existed. They have stopped her data and threatening the complete cancellation of the phone. Despite numerous phone calls and the registering of a complaint, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED! She has been promised phone calls back from the fraud team, managers, none have materialised.
Any advice on a way forward would be appreciated
Thank you in anticipation
Best Wishes
on 22-11-2023 08:08
I have lost faith in 02, been trying since 28 September to get a problem resolved, look at Trustpilot reviews, used to be a good company, it feels like the merger with Virgin has been 'challenging' Sorry to hear of your wife's problem, suggest you get legal with them.
on 22-11-2023 09:03
Only suggest you go through the official complaints procedure first. This needs to be done before you call in the Ombudsman
on 18-01-2024 16:58
Sounds very familiar for myself this has been going on for 9 months now and sooo many phone calls no contact by email mostly contact over the phone there is a reason for this I believe. Today I was told by agent they have no record of my calls? You need to record dates of contact, names and times. There must be a lot of these scams going on, how do they have names, contact detail, information about O2 accounts?
on 19-01-2024 21:02
on 19-01-2024 21:02