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Technology and Lifestyle

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On the forum tonight, some of us started chatting about this so I have decided to start a thread on it.

It is a subject that fascinates and even bewilders me at times...

I freely admit I am a 'child of the 60's' and our lifestyle was... and still is... a lot different to many of you who post on this forum.

I would love anything else wouldn't give me the answer....and its about the use of technology (Smartphones and Tablets) as part of your daily lives and how it has changed since 'my day' Rolleys do you do it?

By IT I mean...

* Having a job

* A family

* A social life....

and combining all of these with todays technology....

Its not just posting on this forum...its the bigger picture that folk nowadays can't go out without a phone...ready to post stuff on social media sites, forums and whatever else is available.

I know it will be 'managing your time to suit society today'....but at the risk of sounding like an old 'my day' (I hate that expression).... people used to talk, laugh, discuss and debate. face to face...

If anyone takes offence at this assured I am NOT having a dig...I am fascinated by the whole way society is changing.....



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 61

Not applicable

@Anonymous good to see you back posting on O2C ..... you've been missed I reckon

I do feel lost when more & more frequently & this old age kicking in, I find I I have left my mobile at home ..... I feel somewhat 'vulnerable' & out-of-touch with someone/somewhere/something/ etc Confused it is somewhat disturbing feeling slight_frown

Message 11 of 61

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BoB what radio station do you listen to when 1. at work & 2. at home in say your kitchen slight_smile

Message 12 of 61

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My local station is Radio Aire.

At work we typically have BBC Radio 2 as they don't tend to loop their music playlists as much.
Message 13 of 61

Not applicable

WisRed7 calling @Cleoriff apologies if I appear to have hi-jacked your thread ..... I'm just contributing in my way

I have given you a kudos at well as @jonsie & @Anonymous 

this subject, which I've said I'm grateful you have posted in 'discussions & feedback' has got me all fired up as-it-were

@anticpated what are your thoughts on Cleoriff's thread?

@MI5 your thoughts would be interesting

@Bambino your's too

@Anonymous as well


moocho apologies again to Cleoriff for appearing to hi-jack her thread

I'll calm down now

& go for a pre-noon ciesta ..... in my room, curtains drawn Crazy LOL


Message 14 of 61

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Interesting, thought provoking thread!

I'm lost without my phone, it even follows me from room to room wherever I am, including the bathroom! Doesn't help I'm a bit of a tech junkie, especially with phones and currently have 3 devices as well as an iPad Mini and an ageing but excellent MacBook!

I'd be one of those that would turn around and come home when on the way to work if I realised I'd forgotten my phone - even if it made me late! My wife's always telling me off for checking stuff on my phone when I shouldn't be, and have it on at work on silent even though we're supposedly banned and the signal there's rubbish. I'm worst for checking Facebook and Twitter with it, not necessarily posting but reading/checking the latest posts.

I'm another who listens the the radio a lot, it's probably another tech addiction as I have lots of radios, both new and very old! I like/prefer an actual radio as it doesn't need a data connection (though there are a few internet stations I do listen to via TuneIn also) and it's not eating through my allowance if out and about.
Message 15 of 61

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Lovely to see many people have posted their thoughts on this thread...

I am happy to read your comments only if you want to 'share your secrets' wink

It was never intended as a test as such.....just a post from  someone who is fascinated to learn how you  manage it.....

in my previous life (nursing) we had no need for phones or tablets for our personal use. However, always happy to embrace new developments, I am delighted at how technology (other than medical related gizmos) have now transformed the NHS....

No longer do patients have xrays..... then have to wait for them to be developed to take back to the consultant. Computer terminals bring these results to life from dept to dept.... same with blood and scan results.

Even your GP can work more efficiently because they dont have to wait for the paper trail from the hospital....

I have no doubt that if I was still in charge of my hospital now...I WOULD be running around with some sort of Tablet...showing me bed occupancy, staff rotas, high dependency patients etc etc...

(I retired 8 years ago....maybe I retired too soon)...LOL

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Girl in a jacket
Message 16 of 61

Not applicable
My secret @Cleoriff is that my only version of MultiTasking is my iPhone / iPad Air and whatever else I'm doing.

Put either of them down and I'm reduced to doing one thing at a time. slight_smile
Message 17 of 61

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous good to see you back posting on O2C ..... you've been missed I reckon


Many thanks for your kind words @Anonymous   I have not really been away you know - just keeping my head down and mouth shut (or should that be keyboard shut?).   Had a really nice week in and around Banbury - lots of interesting places to visit and sights to see, including her what "rode a **bleep** horse to Banbury Cross".   My mobile was very useful when I could get a  signal. O2 reception was very variable but I suppose being up and down hills in the Cotswolds it is easy to lose connection.  Anyway Google Maps came in very handy indeed a couple of times when we lost our bearings.

As regards this interesting thread - I am not a beliviever in multi-tasking which in my book usually means nothing more than doing lots of things badly but simultaneously.  :O))



(I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me!)


PS  EDIT   - Oh don't be ridiculous!  Why on earth would a quotation from a Nursery Rhyme invoke a *bleep*.  This is just too silly for words!!!!

Message 18 of 61

Not applicable
How the heck did ' white' be bleeped out by the forum software ?

Is nice to see you back @Anonymous posting.
Message 19 of 61

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@Anonymous wrote:
My secret @Cleoriff is that my only version of MultiTasking is my iPhone / iPad Air and whatever else I'm doing.

Put either of them down and I'm reduced to doing one thing at a time. slight_smile

Whereas I, on the other hand, can multi-task with anything...except phones, tablets and Laptops....

Probably because they were not a necessity in my working years....

I think it is evident that I got used to computers first....because I can do pretty much everything on my laptop...(It has been said that if there is a bargain to be had online...then I will find it)

I am very comfortable using the laptop.

Smartphones and tablets....not so much....because they came much later. However I keep learning new stuff daily .....but it really is a case (for me) of being in two camps...

Which, as the thread is technology.... and how it affects an individuals lifestyle.....


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 20 of 61