on 05-07-2017 21:53
on 05-07-2017 21:53
Lovely in theory, however I had my phone stolen in Paris. I reported it immediately to O2, who blocked it.
Returned home to discover that unauthorised calls had been made AFTER I reported it stolen.
I have spent hours on three separate chats to O2 advisors, all of whom have confirmed that I am not liable since the calls were made after my report. Each one has promised to refund my money, but on each occasion they have done precisely nothing.
Is this standard for O2, or do they actually have any customer service skills?
on 31-07-2017 10:40
My phone service has now been restored.
The credit that was authorised on Friday apparently won't show for another month, so it still looks as though my account is in arrears. The person I spoke to on chat yesterday was unable to confirm that I won't be subject to another late payment charge, even though the delay is on the part of O2.
on 31-07-2017 10:44
on 31-07-2017 10:44
I really hope that's the end of it now @Anonymous ☺️
on 31-07-2017 10:47
on 31-07-2017 10:47
Thanks for letting us know @Anonymous
Sorry to see that not all has been fixed. Not sure how to help you further; nothing we can do to speed up your next monthly bill, I am afraid But I am sending you a PM with some information to at least try!
for your patience!