Such as shame that I feel the need to complain about O2 because up to now I've had great service.
That said, I can't help but think they're profiteering.
I have:. An iPhone contract (up for renewal actually) for my wife @ £35 per month;
A Business Broadband account @£17.50 per month;
A Business BlackBerry account @40.00 per month.
Ok not a _huge_ amount of money in the scheme of things but in the world of mobile telephones it's quite a chunk of money for one person to hand over every month.
But here's the thing. When I signed up to my BlackBerry account, it was advertised as being best for someone with SatNav - turns out I get charged every time it updates traffic.
I've taken a contract in Belgium and I'm informed that if I want my data, I first have to pay for BlackBerry Unlimited at an additional £20 per month, followed by the international data roaming at £8.25 a month.
So on top of the £92.50 that I already pay, just to be able to read my email on my handset and not pay the extortionate data rates, I need to pay another £28.25 per month...I'm sorry O2? You want me to hand over £120 per month?
Or, I'm advised that I can kill off the Blackberry account by paying the £490...which I think is good value cosidering that I could get a phone over here, with data, for the equivalent of £20 a month and have a PAYG with my current number in the UK.
And on top of that - a bit of advice for anyone looking to buy a BlackBerry - I've had 7 of the things over the years and they've all been fabulous. But avoid the 8220 'flip.' I can leave it on my desk and watch it periodically go from EDGE at full stregth to SOS with no signal and back. My wifes phone, right next to it never moves. It is horribly unreliable with the signal and will drop calls left right and centre.
I was going to look at renewing the wife's iPhone contract but that'll be the first thing that goes, I think.
Anyhoo...rant over.