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Porting Numbers - Is this possible

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My company will shortly be introducing company mobiles via 02. I am a current 02 personal customer as well on a contract. My wife is a current 02 customer on pay and go. When this happens I am going to pass my wife my current phone and contract. What I want to know is the following possible.

(1)My current 02 personal number - can this be moved to my new business mobile, means all my contact and business cards don't have to change.
(2)Can my wife's current pay and go number be then ported over to my personal account so that she keeps the same number.

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.

Message 1 of 17

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Message 2 of 17

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Moving your number form an O2 personal contract into a business contract is certainly possible I did it with mine.

Why don't you just convert your wifes pay as you go account to a contract? you should need to "port" at all just ring o2 and tell them you want to go from O2 pay as you go onto an O2 contract keeping the number.
Message 3 of 17

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Because I already have a personal contract, My new business phone will also be used as my personal too. No point in taking out a contract for my wife when I have one I can pass to her (still paid for by me) and then we end up saving the £15.00 my wife was topping up a month.
Message 4 of 17

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Because I already have a personal contract, My new business phone will also be used as my personal too. No point in taking out a contract for my wife when I have one I can pass to her (still paid for by me) and then we end up saving the £15.00 my wife was topping up a month.

Sorry wasn't really clear was I, I meant when your number gets ported into business account, your existing contract ceases and then you set up a new contract for the PAYG.

I think from an O2 systems point of view that is in effect what they would be doing anyway.

Shinkou Ookami
Message 5 of 17

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My personal contract was only taken 2 months ago therefore it couldn't cease.
Message 6 of 17

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ah right, you may not be able to port the number out then either,

I wanted to bring one of my other consultants onto my O2 business contract, from their o2 personal contract, but o2 wouldn't do it because that personal contract was not eligible for upgrade, so I had to wait till this year to bring them onto the business contract.

have you spoken to o2 about this?
Message 7 of 17

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Sorry we are crossing wires here, I will still be keeping the personal contract going, paid for by me, albeit used by my wife. No upgrade needed.

I will then have a new phone and contract via my business.
Message 8 of 17

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yes you are doing essentially what I did last year.

basically you want to move your number into a new business contract, and at the same time you want to move your wifes PAYG number into your personal contract and keep it active.


I may be wrong but the way it was explained to me by O2 was you cannot port a number mid contract as your number IS in effect your contract, you can only do this at the point were your number/contract becomes eligible to "upgrade".

Your wifes PAYG is not the issue as you can convert that to a contract at any time. the issue is your phone, and I think the way on2's system works is that numbers are tied to contracts so your phone isn't actually eligible to "upgrade" or "port" into a business contract, O2 would have to buy you out of your personal contract to move your number over to a business contract (believe it or not).

So to you and me and joe public, you want to start a new business contract porting in your personal number, and maintain your existing personal contract but port in your wifes PAYG number. It all makes perfect sense to us in the public world.

But in the O2 world, what you are doing is:
01) Buying out of existing personal contract
02) Setting up new business contract bringing in number from personal contract
03) setting up new personal contract with a new connection bringing in number form PAYG network.

stupid I know, but I think thats the way O2's process works. but as I said I might be wrong, it is based on my experiences of doing something similar.
Message 9 of 17

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Spot on you have it. Suppose the only way to find out is to give them a call.
Message 10 of 17