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Poor retentions/PAC request service from O2

Not applicable
I know O2 don't respond here but just thought I'd share this...
Earlier this week (after weeks of network data issues in one particular area which O2 deny that there's any problem and won't escalate it with networks) enough was enough so I called O2 to ask for a PAC. On a 30 day SIM only tariff here.
After waiting almost 11mins in the retentions call queue having to put up with the most hideous call queue music, I finally got through to what can only be described as the the rudest and most arrogant agent I have ever encountered at O2.
I explained I would like my PAC so she asked me for 2 digits of my password. As I was at work I just gave her the full password which she refused to accept. She asked me again so I told her the required 2 characters (1 of which must have been wrong) but she still refused point blank to help me. I had given her my full password FOUR times. She then said to me in a very patronising tone 'I'll give you one more chance'. I don't think so so hung up.
This was also only at 9am, in the morning. Hate to think what the response would have been if the agent in question was reaching the end of her shift!!
2 hours later I called O2 again (but this time went via the normal customer service) and this time encountered a 1000% difference is customer service. The agent asked me for my full password, was very helpful and then put me through to retentions (different agent this time thankfully) who again couldn't do enough to help me. Total length of this call was under 3 mins with a SMS contained my PAC received whilst still on the call.
If you need to speak to retentions, go via the ordinary customer service and not via the call centre 'if you are thinking of leaving us' option, it's quicker and offers way better service.
Bye Bye O2 I'm now on T-Moble who's current 3G coverage is a million times better than O2's ever will be.
I have complained about the agent in question, not that anything will come of it as all O2 ever do is just throw credit at you when you complain about anything.
Message 1 of 16

Not applicable
I wanted them to admit theres an issue with their network in my area which didn't happen as I'm sick and tired of getting responses from O2 along the lines of 'we are investing £1 million a day in our network'
Perhaps if these people actually got off their backsides and stepped out of their ivory towers from time to time, they might get some sort of idea what O2 customers do actually have to put up with in areas where their network is poor and smart phone use is impossible on O2.
I also want an explanation from O2 as to why every other UK network can and does provide 3G in the location in question apart from O2.
Message 11 of 16

Not applicable
O2 are normally perfectly happy to admit network issues, if your signal has decreased and O2 have advised the network has been checked and is ok then there may be external factors involved.
I don't think o2, or any other network, would be happy to discuss in depth why they haven't provided 3G in X area, it's commercially sensitive information.
Message 12 of 16

Not applicable
O2 have NEVER ONCE admitted there is a network issue in my location which which why I have major issues with them. EVERY single time they tried to blame MY handset or MY SIM card - there's nothing wrong what so ever with either. Do they seriously think that changing my SIM cad multiple times is going to make a difference when I had 3G working in other locations? I was also categorically told on more than one occasion that any further network issues I raised with them WOULD NOT be escalated either.
Message 13 of 16

Not applicable
See you cannot even post anything negative about O2 before you get moderated. It's pathetic the way these forums are operated by O2.
They don't post anything but read them and delta anything negative posted about O2.
Message 14 of 16

Level 66: Unequalled
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the moderation is not o2 it is a 3rd party doing it
iPhone 11 Pro 256gb on unlimited data
iPad Pro 12.9” 2020 256gb refresh o2 family discount
Apple Watch series 4
My first mobile was in 1995 a CM-R111 from sony on Cellnet.
Wincanton South Somerset (Full 4g 3G 2g indoor coverage) Remember we are all customers here not customer services

Message 15 of 16

Not applicable
Exactly the same happened to me - it's a shame 'cos their tariffs are great, but the customer service really lets it down. They really don't care if you stay or go. I'm off to Vodafone!
Message 16 of 16