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O2 Contract Upgrade Charges - Hard to believe!

Not applicable
Hi all,

Firstly I would lile to say that I have been through the FAQ section and googled my specific issues but found nothing related, which increases my suspicion that I was fobbed off by O2 cust service.

Ok so for the history..

After 18 odd years with Vodafone I decided to change supplier in 2015 and chose O2 for a sim only contract 12month term. This term ended and in Feb 17 I changed to a new contract by upping my data by 500MB, so this term is noy due until Feb 18 now.

Prior to this, in Dec 16 I purchased an additional SIM only 12month term contract for my wife. This is fue to expire Dec 17.

Up until last week these were on separate accounts, but O2 have now combined into a single account on my request.

Now to the crunch....

I contacted O2 to enquire about the possibility to opt in for a new "Data Sharer" contract for both mine and my wifes numbers. I was informed that its not possible due to the different accounts, Which has now beem addressed.

When I called more recently to follow up, I was told that, I can opt in for a new contract, BUT will be liable to pay costs for break of contract against the two previous agreements which have not run their course! Bearing in mind these are SIM only, so no other costs to speak of.

My response to this was, what if I wanted to purchase and agree to 2x24month contracts with O2 along with the latest iphone 8x2 deal, would they still insist on making me pay cancellation charges given that that would be an upgrade securing my business for another 2 years......the answer to whuch was "YES you will still be charged for terminating the contracts".

I find this hard to believe, as this wouod equate to the biggest anti sales strategy Ive ever heard off. Surely re-negotiating a new contract with the same parties rendera the previous agreement null and void???

If any body has some factual feedback on this matter I would love to hear it, as I never experienced this to be the case with Vodafone.

Regards, Humour.
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They are the rules as far as O2 is concerned I'm afraid.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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