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No delivery uk mail

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Been waiting since Friday 12-1pm for delivery now on Tuesday been told nothing but lies from UK mail and o2 just as useless this happened 3 months ago when first joined aswell I'm appalled at the customer services plus spoke to managers and that made no difference what so ever think il be taking my custom elsewhere
Message 1 of 38

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Spoke to a manager from o2 the way they dealt with it was appalling still no update apart from driver is new so could take till 6 so just phoned both o2 and ukmail fobbed off yet again
Message 11 of 38

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Did u get your phone in the end @Anonymous
Message 12 of 38

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Yes 8oclock last night by a man on way back from work couldnt even do it on his round .amazing how yesterday I contacted both o2 head office and UK mail head office and I get my parcel and have put formal complaints in
Message 13 of 38

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@Anonymous wrote:
Yes 8oclock last night by a man on way back from work couldnt even do it on his round .amazing how yesterday I contacted both o2 head office and UK mail head office and I get my parcel and have put formal complaints in

Yes...really amazing..and quite coincidental....Dance Good job anyway @Anonymous

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 15 of 38

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Please follow through with your complaint though, as the more folk that let O2 know they're not happy with a particular service, the more chance that it'll get fixed in the future.


Glad you've got your phone though, enjoy.!

Message 16 of 38

Not applicable

As a previous employee of UkFail, I can promise you, it's not the drivers causing these problems, it's the greedy Managers, trying to look good for the shareholders by forcing far to much work onto the drivers, all in the name of profit!


I know of several times where managers have scanned items out for delivery.... even though there is no drivers to take it... at the end of the shift it's scanned again as carded!


So please, don't always blame the drivers... 9 times out of 10 it's nothing to do with them.

Message 17 of 38

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Thanks for that insight @Anonymous As you say it is easy to blame the it's good to know who the real culprits are...(though most of us probably realise problems usually start at the top...) slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 18 of 38

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Thanks for the insight, that does explain a lot of things. What it doesn't explain unfortunately is how many items just simply disappear off the face of the earth and it seems no obvious concern by UK Mail as to their whereabouts. Whether this is down to drivers, depot staff or management, you are very probably far better informed than the dozens of unfortunate customers trying to chase failed deliveries up.

Message 19 of 38

Not applicable

Been sat in waiting for 4 days now for my repaired phone from O2...
UK Mail attempted delivery on the Wed 2nd Sept but couldn't find the address so drove back to the depot. I rang on Wed evening around 6pm after tracking my parcel from 8.05am. I gave my phone number to be passed onto the driver the following day so they could call for directions as I'd be off work so could help assist their arrival. I never received any call, or package. So, I called Wed night and allegedly the driver couldn't find the address even though information was provided for them to call me. So, I then added further directions to help aid the driver in the hope my phone would arrive yesterday.

I called yesterday morning at 9.30 and they verified the parcel was scanned at 8.05am out for delivery. They also stated that indeed it would be delivered yesterday as my case needed to be resolved (yet, I now cannot track my parcel on the UK Mailwebsite). I waited all day until 6.15pm as I knew most deliveries ended at 6. They told me the parcel was still out until 8/8.30 as my parcel needed to be delivered and that a driver would call within 30 mins with an it got to 9.30pm last night and still nothing. So I opened a case with O2 to get this sorted as it has ruined all my daughters birthday plans this week.

I called this morning at 9.30am and they could not find any sign of my parcel from it being scanned out yesterday morning at 8.05. So, then the lady on the end of the phone escalated the case higher for me and stated that someone would call me within an hour....I waited 2.5 hours and called them back. Apparently the parcel was found and is now out for delivery today...but I shouldn't hold my breath as it could be here Monday even later.

Well Done UK Mail, you have not only ruined my time with my daughter, but her pre 4th birthday celebrations!! What a load of ****

Message 20 of 38