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No access to Network

Not applicable
Hello. My phone says 'No access to network' which has never happened to me before. Is there an issue with o2's network? Anyone else with this problem? Or is it something to just do with me?

I can't even ring o2 to tell them! Any advice?
Message 1 of 404
403 REPLIES 403

Not applicable
Personally I blame David Cameron for this, everything worked fine before the Tories got in grin

BTW - this post isn't in any way serious!
Message 111 of 404

Not applicable
Network in Manchester is fine. grin
Message 112 of 404

Not applicable
Already beat you to it Chris XD

Only 'cos I forgot my logon ! Anyway, I'm still here, at least you've went home grin
Message 113 of 404

Not applicable
I emailed O2 in February 2010 about the hours of their customer support.
I had this back from one of the Complaints Managers.. see what you think... oh and if you want his email address then PM me and perhaps we can get him to change his tune and send it further up the O2 ladder that customers are not happy with this. We live in a 24 hour shopping world and use our phones 24 /7 and its anly right that we should expect some form of customer support to go with the service that they are supplying us with!!

February 1st 2010
Dear Matt
I’m sorry you’re unhappy with our customer service, in particular when they are available to take calls and what they can deal with outside of our core hours.
I can’t confirm what type of customer service is offered by other UK networks and whether a full customer service is offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, to the best of my knowledge all the UK networks don’t offer full customer service 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Parts of our customer service, such as home broadband, lost and stolen and general information queries are available any time. Also our customers can contact us by email at any time.
As a pay monthly customer, you can call our customer service to discuss anything about your account, 7 days a week, from Monday to Friday, 8AM to 9PM, Saturday, 8AM to 8PM and Sunday 8AM to 6PM.
Our research and customer feedback is that the service we offer meets the requirements of most of our customers, most of the time. Because we answer calls outside of the above hours, with a limited service, we know there is a low demand and majority of these calls are successfully dealt with by the out of hour’s team.
At present we feel that providing a full, round the clock, customer service isn’t necessary to meet the very limited demand and the cost of doing this can be better used for improving customer service in other areas of the business.
When you’re next eligible to upgrade, we’ll be happy to offer you the best deal we can to retain your custom. As this is some time away, it’s not possible to say now what this would be, as we’re constantly reviewing our policies to meet customer, market and business demands.
If you’ve any more questions about this, please call me on 0845 3300684. My start and finish times need on our website, vary but my core hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm. Alternatively, our department is open Monday to Friday, between 8am and 6.30pm and one of my colleagues will be able to help.


Allan Chapman
Customer Complaints
Message 114 of 404

Not applicable
Er, excuse me, you dont kow me to comment on my situation! FYI - We always communicate by text, we never call each other and he is the one who has treated ME badly!!! He ain't my boyfriend, ****!!!

Internet relationship arguements in a thread about a network outage! I love the internet...

Thankyou to O2 guys for info slight_smile
Message 115 of 404

Not applicable
Already beat you to it Chris XD

Only 'cos I forgot my logon ! Anyway, I'm still here, at least you've went home grin

Haha, I didn't need the overtime : >
Message 116 of 404

Not applicable
Matt, if you want 24 hour customer service, are you happy for the cost of your contract to go up to cover the cost of it?
Message 117 of 404

Not applicable
I blame David Cameron too.

You must at least admit it is a suspicious coincidence.... right?
Message 118 of 404

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Message 119 of 404

Not applicable
UPDATE: Power Services restored, however cellular services still offline. Engineers en-route.

Chill, people grin
Message 120 of 404