Hi everyone, I hope there is someone from O2 customers services online because I am very disappointed
I claim cashback and need a bill printed to send off. I just went to print the bill and it is not worth anything!!!! The bill does not have an O2 logo on it does not have my name on nor even the mobile number, bill date. The only information it has is details of the charges and how much due and when you are going to collect the money.
Not even my accountant will accept this it is ridiculous. I do not want to request a bill as it takes 3-5 days but to be honest it defeats the whole purpose of online billing and been able to print your own out.
Please respond as I have just had a very fiery discussion with a so called account manager at O2 who just kept repeating that she could not put me through to anyone else. The only advice she had was to do a screen print, send one in the post and go to this forum. All of which defeat the purpose.