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Is o2 going out of business

Level 1: Joiner
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Hi I have just seen on trust pilot alot if bad reviews of o2 and really bad ones, one even mentioned that is obvious thst o2 are going out of business, I have no issues with o2 and I know every company has problems, but on the whole o2 I have found is a good network I don't have any major problems, sometimes find signal when I visit my parents patchy but I get around this by using WiFi so it's not a massive issue for me I accept that no network will be perfect and alot of factors affect the amount of signal that you have
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Level 43: Bright Spark
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  1. Hi @Pinkprincess280

    As you say no network is perfect and there will always be someone who is going to feel hard done by. However, as far as I'm aware O2 is not going out of business.

    Like you I'm happy with O2 and have been a customer for years, first on PAYG and just over 5 years ago switching to a pay monthly account. Overall I've not had any problems but there have been many changes, such as the decision to drop Tu Go, which have angered a lot of customers many of whom have decided to leave O2. So far the changes have not affected me so I won't be going anywhere.

    Bottom line, we have heard nothing here on the forum that O2 is going out of business which I trust answers your question, and welcome to the forum.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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Level 94: Supreme
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Whilst they are certainly cutting costs wherever possible it’s highly unlikely that they will go bust.
It does, however, make them ripe for a takeover bid from somewhere.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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