06-06-2016 01:55 - edited 06-06-2016 01:58
06-06-2016 01:55 - edited 06-06-2016 01:58
... have a flat screen tv, with Sky, on a ceiling
I ask because my living room tv is a 2nd hand colour portable set ... & ... considering how little time I spend in the best room in the house ... & ... how little time I actually watch tv there ... well I'd relax & watch more of what I want on tv 'whilst in me pit'
I don't want to find a tv man or contact Sky just yet 'cos they'd brow-beat me so-to-speak
In addition, as said elsewhere on this forum, I'm after a tablet, because it also would improve my quality of life, like what I've said above, & get me outside my home ... I could go to cpw but I don't want to have them brow-beat me either
Money is a concern ... I don't particularly want something cheap & nasty, just something I can take out, using earphones, whilst eg enjoying a drink outside my home ... any suggestions would be appreciated
Thank you
on 06-06-2016 18:05
on 06-06-2016 18:05
on 06-06-2016 18:42
@Beenherebefore wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Not everyone has people be it family or friends they can call upon to do jobs, & personally I don't like to use people, I'm not that kind of person,
so much for trying
If you are of the "qualifying age" try your local council's handyperson scheme, they may be able to recommend somebody or even do the job for you.
Or try contacting Care and Repair, they operate in most areas of England >>>> http://careandrepair-england.org.uk/
hadn't thought of this @Beenherebefore & didn't know about Care & Repair
the local council offices are just down the road, I'll go there asap
on 06-06-2016 18:44
@gmarkj wrote:
just to pick at this, did you mean you asked them to move both the TV and the Sky box, or just the sky box?
Surely if you want them to move their box then it shouldn't be an issue?
I can see why they might baulk at moving the TV as well (it was working before you moved it, etc, etc) but their own equipment should not be an issue?
I asked if them if they would be able to move both Sky box & tv, as how would I know it was working @gmarkj
on 06-06-2016 18:47
on 06-06-2016 18:54
Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).
Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here
on 07-06-2016 22:39
thank you again for all who have helped me in this thread ... just to round off
I have an outside light which either needs the bulb changing or the whole unit changing because I can see the screws have rusted
the inside electrics look alright imho
so, I am going to start somewhat small by going in person to my local council offices & make enquiries of their scheme to help people with little jobs, & I'd say I qualify for help, possibly paying for materials only
I do not have an electrician who I have confidence in ... & ... over the years I have been in my home am more than being fed up of being ripped off by unscrupulous people who see a woman living on their own unable to do jobs around the house as 'easy prey'
my son lives away & has his own life to live
It's in my understanding that a council offers this type of scheme to help people stay in their own homes