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Hello new guy here

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As usual service from o2 simple and straightforward to upgrade. As usual couriers absolutely shocking. UK mail failed to deliver. I called o2, 02 called UK mail UK mail said the delivery to them until today. I wonder why all their emails said different including the one that specifically said the delivery was on its way to me to be delivered between 13:00 and 17:00. It's no big deal 24 hours isn't going to kill anything. My complaint is that I paid for delivery, o2 paid for delivery, O2 refund my delivery. I hope that every time the couriers do this O2 claim back the fees. Anyone can make a mistake but it's the BS that goes with it that boils my.....blood. Delivery services in this country can be crap so unless we raise the issue it won't get any better. O2 let down by their delivery company me let down by the delivery company. Does anybody remember when companies were there for the customers benefit?
Message 1 of 13

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Hi Emillie T, thank you for your response as I have  said to new guy here in my final reply O2 are a brilliant company to deal with, sadly, being let down by a third party. I am speaking from a customer perspective rather than as an interested observer.

Message 11 of 13

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@GBow wrote:

I'm sorry if I seem a little caustic but because you have been fortunate enough to not have a problem your tone was a little condescending . The lovely lady from O2 who doesn't read the forums has replied to my post here is going to look into things. It is only through CUSTOMERS bringing to the attention of O2 the failings of their support companies that change will come about. O2 are an excellent company to deal with in every other resect, in MY experience, though others may disagree. I went public, as have a lot of others because it is a method of applying a little pressure to bring about change in a weak are of the business. If customer complaints are dealt with by a team of individuals the scale of anyy problem might slip through .

I think you misunderstood completely. I was actually agreeing that UK Mail create many problems for O2 customers.

As for being condescending? I was trying to be helpful in my response.

No matter, maybe I should have left your post unanswered. However, it's not in my nature to be rude and ignore people who post on here.

Probably best left there I think.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 13

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@GBow wrote:

The lovely lady from O2 who doesn't read the forums has replied to my post here is going to look into things. 

Just to clarify, there are very few (if any) people who actually are employed by o2 on this forum.

Most of those with a blue name (like EmilieT) work for another company who are engaged by o2 to manage this space.

Virtually everyone else who posts here does so in a personal capacity, with no influence on o2 policy or with any authority.


That being said, there a numerous complaints about UK Mail and their ability to do what they are meant to (deliver parcels) for o2. 

I will again caveat that with the fact that they can only deliver parcels that they are in fact given.

There are known "faults" with the o2 system - allowing you to order a phone that is not in stock for instance, and then allowing you to book next day/Saturday delivery another - which muddy the water further.

You are well within your right to complain about this, either on here or officially through the channels that @Cleoriff highlighted to you earlier, and you are correct that unless sufficient feedback is given to force a change then the situation will remain.

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 13 of 13