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Hashblue - our trial beta service - feedback required!

O2 Social Media Team
O2 Social Media Team
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Hi Everyone,
I’m happy to communicate our trial beta service called hashblue (#blue) where your contacts & text messages are stored. You can also search for a text message, mark a text message as favourite, have group conversations and even send a text message from the website itself which has a friendly display with a nice conversational flow.
In addition to that, you can also engage with other community members and suggest our software developers to create #blue apps that do fun things with your message stream. See example: (
If you’re interested about this, you can simply register at with an O2 mobile number and an email address. I think that this service has got good potential which can be used in many ways and could be helpful to deliver things which we ideally want you to define and help us with.
I look forward to hear your comments and feedback on this thread.
Message 1 of 11

Level 21: Regular
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No, its not rocket science I have used it many times- but #blue is still quicker the way I have things set up.

I would love to even be able to see how to set things up!
I applied for the original beta only to be told a few weeks later that it was now open to everyone.
I tried to signup a few times using the regular route with no success whatsover so just forgot about it.
Now, it seems it is back in beta so I have tried again. This time I got a little further in that I got a confirmation code sent to my mobile which I duly entered and was told to watch out for an email.
I'm still here twiddling my thumbs grin
Message 11 of 11