Hello and thanks for your reply!
The phone is 3 Weeks old. So it should be still covered by the manufactures warranty but HTC in germany advised just as O2 germany did, to contact O2 UK or HTC UK.
But contacting O2 UK is harder then it should be. You need an phonenumber from O2 UK in order to contact O2 by E-Mail over the O2-UK-Web page.
I didn't get any letter (Bill etc) from the seller.
I just got the phone with the original package and the accessoires which belong to the phone (UK charger, headset, leather case..)
Do you know how the procedure of reparing phones in O2 UK is?
For example in O2 germany you just call O2 support and they advise you to send the phone to O2. After a few days and after checking the phones condition (broken Void-Seal etc.) they just send you a new or a refurbished phone back.
Another alternative would be to call O2 UK's service but i think this would be very expensive

I also tried the O2 UK chat actually I TRIED without success. As far as i've red in the internet you just have to wait a few minutes with the opened O2 UK page until the Chat pops up.
It didn't work.
Now I'm trying the support-Forum here and I hope an O2-Supporter will read this.