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Goodbye o2. Hello other networks!

Not applicable
#### I'd never have signed up to an 18 month contract in a billion years, I never have, because I know I'd want a new phone way before 18 months is up. But o2 allow us to upgrade early, so why not? So I signed it like a sucker and now they've changed their philosophy and we can't upgrade until they've had the entire 18 months out of us, by which time the iPhone 3Gs will be old news, furthermore, it will only be 6 months before the next gen iPhone will be released. So should we get the iPhone 3Gs in 6 months time, we're then tied to another 18 months, meaning we won't then get the next gen, until its been out for 12 months! by which time, the next model will be out and so on, see what I mean?

So I'll be canceling my 15 year old contract, buying a Voda PAYG sim, a new sim free iPhone 3GS and using it on PAYG from now on. I certainly don't wanna be prevented from being able to upgrade my iPhone as and when they're released.

Goodbye o2.
Message 1 of 24

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Whilst on duty in an O2 store they are representing O2 - so what they say to get you to buy a product should be 100% accurate and correct.
Message 11 of 24

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i totally agree wink
but no matter how much everybody is going on about this at the end of the day its not the end of the world.

personally i have better things to worry about than a phone contract which is not that much different to the one we all have.... apart from the price! grin
Message 12 of 24

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Whilst on duty in an O2 store they are representing O2 - so what they say to get you to buy a product should be 100% accurate and correct.

Its simple then, prove they said that and o2 will have to honour it.
Message 13 of 24

Not applicable
Whilst on duty in an O2 store they are representing O2 - so what they say to get you to buy a product should be 100% accurate and correct.

Its simple then, prove they said that and o2 will have to honour it.

Unfortunately I wasn't wired up to a recorder when I bought the phone :).

I'm not too bothered about upgrading - its a pretty lame upgrade really, but i do agree with many on here that O2 is being extremely unfair.

The Tethering price bothers me more but with free mobile broadband for all BT broadband customers, that's not really an issue either.
Message 14 of 24

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i am wondering why you all expect a company to do this? ever heard the saying "there is no such thing as a free lunch" nothing is free in this world
every manafacturer brings new phone out each year and we all get them free or at a lower price but someone has to pay for them - the network
am sure none of the networks would let you upgrade to a new phone after less than 12 month of an 18 month term without some form of penatly
Message 15 of 24

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Most would be happy to upgrade after 12 months for a fee. just not buying out of the contract.
Message 16 of 24

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Most would be happy to upgrade after 12 months for a fee. just not buying out of the contract.

O2 should make some effort to meet customers halfway. I think paying for an upgrade is the answer.

At some point they need to think "wait, these are OUR customers" lol... it's a PR disaster to have thousands of customers angry about this situation.
Message 17 of 24

Not applicable
Most would be happy to upgrade after 12 months for a fee. just not buying out of the contract.

O2 should make some effort to meet customers halfway. I think paying for an upgrade is the answer.

I do agree with you. It depends on the CS to whom you are talking to. Some of them are good but some of them are equally bad. I remember once I had to pay for some data bill which was such a huge sum that I called up, telling O2 CS that I am not happy and justified to them that I should not have been charged so much. In the end, it was a win-win situation... However, never ever use 3 UK as their CS will never ever negotiate with you. They always think that they are right and you, as a customer, are wrong...
Message 18 of 24

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Would you expect to be able to upgrade early if it was a Nokia, you signed an 18 month contract for a handset that was available on that day a newer version is then released so what. See out your contract and if a new handset becomes available upgrade to that.

The upgrade policy is the same for all service providers, you upgrade, renew contract, upgrade at the end. This is not a new system get used to it.
Message 19 of 24

Not applicable
#### I'd never have signed up to an 18 month contract in a billion years, I never have, because I know I'd want a new phone way before 18 months is up. But o2 allow us to upgrade early, so why not? So I signed it like a sucker and now they've changed their philosophy and we can't upgrade until they've had the entire 18 months out of us, by which time the iPhone 3Gs will be old news, furthermore, it will only be 6 months before the next gen iPhone will be released. So should we get the iPhone 3Gs in 6 months time, we're then tied to another 18 months, meaning we won't then get the next gen, until its been out for 12 months! by which time, the next model will be out and so on, see what I mean?
So I'll be canceling my 15 year old contract, buying a Voda PAYG sim, a new sim free iPhone 3GS and using it on PAYG from now on. I certainly don't wanna be prevented from being able to upgrade my iPhone as and when they're released.
Goodbye o2.

Don't let the door hit you in the A S S on the way out slight_smile
Message 20 of 24