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Goodbye 02...12 years and all you offer me a £1 loyalty discount...

Not applicable

After 12 years with 02 and my contract ending  shortly,yesterday I rang 02 for this deal Tesco offer :


1000 minutes/5000 text/1 gig of data £10 per month 18 month contract Tesco/02


02 wanted £16.50 per month for same tarif and when I asked about the loyalty bonus after 12 years with 02, was offerd £1 discount per month!!!!!


So £5.50 per month extra if stay with 02.......


So now going with Tesco mobile with still use 02 as the network provider and saving £99 over the 18 month contract. Does not make sense why 02 would not want to keep a long and loyal customer as myself whom bills vary depending on the job im working from £20-£100 per month when bolt ons or extra minutes are used.


Goodbye 02..well sort of  Confused


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@gindygoo wrote:
Blimey this turned into a complete whine-fest (not to be confused with a good old wine-fest) really quickly.... open_mouth wish I'd have seen pre-edited sudocream post, was it anything to do with ahem ky? Pahahahhaaa....

C xx

Trust you FearLOL

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Message 32 of 32