on 29-03-2018 20:02
I don’t generally complain or moan but having been with o2 since the beginning, back in the cellnet days, their treatment of a long term customer these last few days has been dire. I shopped around with my contract ending and decided I was changing to Sky.... the deal was too good and so I phoned to request my pac on Tuesday afternoon. After lots of time on the phone trying to sell me a contract and then accessories (I still have one phone on o2) they said they’d send the code. I wait 48 hours, nothing. 15 minutes on the phone again and I’m told it will be with me momentarily. Nothing. 3 hours later I look online at Ofcom and realise that I should have had it within 2 hours of asking, I phone again and mention this and I immediately receive a text.
3 days I’ve had my new phone and been unable to use it properly because it’s not my number and 3 days for which o2 will charge me ....... it is clearly a deliberate ploy to try and stop people leaving. It is poor poor practice, really shoddy and has left a bad taste in my mouth. I really don’t expect my wife’s phone to renew to o2 when it’s up.
If formally complaining wasn’t so convuluted, I would do it bu5 I really can’t face another 202 call.
goodbye o2
on 29-03-2018 21:40
on 29-03-2018 21:40
@Bambinowrote:I only ask this out of curiosity @DabDab, but as you've been an O2 customer for a very long time, did you check to see what kind of coverage you'll get with Sky? A good deal on a phone is pretty useless if the coverage is bad and you can't use it.
I understand Sky runs on the O2 network @Bambino
on 29-03-2018 21:43
on 29-03-2018 23:01
on 29-03-2018 23:01