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First Payment

Not applicable
When I decided to change from Orange to o2, I was informed that my monthly payment would be £25.50 per month if I had my mobile with o2. I changed my mobile from Vodafone to o2, only to be informed that my monthly payment would be £30.50. I subsequently phoned Customer Service after some arguement I was informed that my charge would be £25.50 for 12 months and then revert to £30.50. Although I was not particularly happy, I agreed this. At the time I asked for an email to confirm that this was the arrangement, nothing came. I am now informed that my first payment will be £60.85, when I challenged Customer Service they informed me that the reason for the high bill is because of a £25 connection fee. Again I challenged them and they agreed to deduct this £25 from my bill, they also agreed to apply the discount for having my mobile with them. I yet again asked for an email to confirm this, but, surprise, surprise, absolutely nothing.
If this is how o2 carry out their business by attempting to stitch up customers, then what a company to be with. I have not been with o2 a month yet, and I am sick of them already. It appears that all the providers are the same, all out to stitch up customers so as to make even more profit.
Message 1 of 16

Not applicable
Hmm, I wonder what is going on here?
There aren't any tariffs at those price points and there is no connection charge.
And the network you are transferring from changes between Orange and Vodafone?
You don't get told how much you will be charged, you are offered a range of tariffs to choose between.
Are you talking about taking out a business/corporate tariff with a third party service provider?
Message 2 of 16

Not applicable
I think OP means he moved his broadband from Orange to O2 and then his mobile from Vodoofone to O2 to get the £5 discount.
The broadband would have a £25 connection fee, if he wants with O2 mobile before the order. "The works" would be £25 + £7.50 (phone line). By the time you have added the any time call package etc, removed the mobile discount you will be in the right ball park.
Unless of course OP got an access package?
The first bill would be off anyway, because they will have pro rata on the first month, less the install that they have removed.
Message 3 of 16

Not applicable
If this is how o2 carry out their business by attempting to stitch up customers, then what a company to be with. I have not been with o2 a month yet, and I am sick of them already.

As per my post above I think your charges are probably correct. The setup fee is charged if you are not an O2 mobile customer before you order broadband. All the info is here:
If you are still within the first month then I am pretty sure you can cancel if you are not happy.
Message 4 of 16

Not applicable
Well deciphered Fermatr1x! If only the OP had explained themselves (or posted in the broadband forum)
Message 5 of 16

Not applicable
If only the OP had explained themselves

we wouldn't have had as much fun guessing slight_smile
Message 6 of 16

Not applicable
i have a lot of sympathy with the OP
O2 are very good at promises
but not very good at putting bills correct
CS is very good and people you speak to are courtious
but when things go wrong with billing etc
they do NOT put things right :robotmad:
O2 have not solved my problem and now i have to pay more for my broadband and home phone than i was told and promised
i have a topic on this forum
i think i have been cheated and now perhaps locked in a 12 month contract
that i can't do anything about Smiley Mad
Message 7 of 16

Not applicable
O2 are very good at promises but not very good at putting bills correct

I actually disagree with you. They are very good at correcting billing problems nearly all of the time. It is rare for them to make an actual billing mistake, other than you being on the wrong tariff/package etc. In my experience they will usually also use their discretion to offer goodwill payments in the customers' favour if they have made a mistake.
When you take out a contract with a company (O2 or otherwise) both parties are bound by that agreement. The provider can not promise something and deliver something else. If they do so they are in breach of contract and you have the right to walk away. If you feel that you have been mis-sold something or misled you should take the issue up with the O2 Complaint Review Service who are usually very helpful. Details here:
I have briefly read through your previous post and to me those bills don't seem wildly wrong. The first month would have been pro-rata as a partial month and therefore cheaper. As someone on your other thread mentioned it is hard to tell without seeing the actual bills, but I really doubt they have charged you for something you have not used.
The issue, as per the OP in this thread, will either be a poor explanation of the contract on the part of the O2 staff member or a lack of understanding on the part of the customer. Where that balance lies is fairly subjective these days as most of these kind of agreements are now made verbally over the phone, but they do still make all the information and terms and conditions available for scrutiny.
Message 8 of 16

Not applicable
thanks for replying
i have phoned cs and staff accounts
they have listened to me and also agree that i have been charged to much and a mistake has been made
(someone had altered my tarrif package i used to pay £7.50 for broadband and they had altered it to £15)
i don't use my phone much at all
they have checked my usage and no additional charges have been made to me
i was told with the addition of homephone to my broadband i would pay £20/month
the bills are wrong and they have said they are wrong
(and have said they actually owe me money)
staff accounts promised faithfully they would phone me on 5th nov to discuss it further
they have not done so
so i still say that O2 can charge you what they like :robotmad:
thanks the the link you posted for complaints
Message 9 of 16

Not applicable
thanks the the link you posted for complaints

Send the complaints team an email. Make sure you explain what has happened, what you think is wrong and most importantly what you expect them to do about it.
You should get a receipt within a day and a response in about five working days. It can sometimes take longer for them to respond, but you should receive a receipt quickly.
So far every issue I have referred to them has been resolved to my satisfaction very efficiently.
Message 10 of 16