on 02-03-2024 09:43
I was a victim of fraud, nearly 2 months ago, and reported it to 02 immediately, when I smelled a rat. The scammers took out the most expensive new iPhone on my account! I'm left liable to pay £1,770 or so!
O2 told me on the phone it had been raised as fraud and would take up to 10 days to be investigated and resolved.
10 days passed by.
Next time I phoned O2, I was told it takes 30 days.
30 days passed.
Next time I phoned, I was told it's 30 BUSINESS days, no less!!
Needless to say, it's now 2 months!! Every time I phoned, I just get fobbed off and get told to be patient!
Is this happening with anybody else?? What can I do? The customer service is shocking! Thanks!
on 02-03-2024 09:52
It's a standard story with fraud cases. The fraud department can take months to resolve some cases. They also won't comment while investigating for legal reasons.
Trawling through this forum using the search function should give you some idea
on 02-03-2024 09:53
I'm afraid you have to give the fraud team time to complete their investigations.
Some general info, we as customers can give:
If you think you’ve been the victim of fraud, whether it’s because you’ve given details to someone over the phone, or clicked on a link in a suspicious text or email there are things you can do:
Contact your bank if you think you may have given out financial information. They can help protect your account and stop transactions.
Change your account and online account passwords. Not just your O2 account. All of them.
Forward fraudulent texts to O2 for free on 7726.
Contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
Call your Virgin Media or O2 customer services number if you think somebody’s taken out a contract using your details.
Virgin Media customers can phone 150 from their landline or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone.
O2 customers can call 202 from their O2 phone or 0344 809 0202 from any other phone.
You can block the number that called you, or any number you think may be suspicious.
How to block a number:
There are also these links to look at:
You can also reach O2 via social media
Instagram https://o2uk.co/O2CIG), Facebook ( https://o2uk.co/O2CFB) , Twitter ( https://o2uk.co/O2CTW).
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 02-03-2024 13:41
Whilst I have huge sympathy for your predicament, it is probably worth mentioning that O2 might be unable to give you an update whilst their investigation is ongoing. They have to comply with both criminal law and Money Laundering Regulations and this could be jeopardised if they update you whilst their case is incomplete. It is also possible that your case has been subsumed into a wider investigation if the same fraudster has other "victims" in addition to you.
@Enlli has suggested that you might want to search this forum of more information. I (and others) posted links to a newspaper article and a television programme last Autumn that were about fraud perpetrated on O2. Such investigations do take time and I think O2 are wrong to give you false expectations - they cannot possible complete an investigation in ten days.
I would keep pushing O2 about this, at least so they do not forget about you !
Please keep us informed of developments. 👍