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Default on Credit report (Virgin moved an unused sim to Volt without my permission)

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I've been through quite a saga with this, but it has culminated in a default being added to my credit report, and I am furious about it.

TLDR: Virgin transferred an unused sim to O2 after the merger, didn't notify me or get my permission, disputed with O2, and they claimed the account was closed, apologised and "forgave" the charges, now I have a default on my credit report... Any ideas how to get it resolved faster?

I am a long-term Virgin Media customer, when they signed me up for my package, they convinced me it was cheaper to go for the bundle including a sim card, I never used this sim as I already had an O2 account and was happy with (data, perks etc).   In September, I started receiving payment reminders from O2 for an account I didn't recognise, I rang O2, went through security (using my current details) and they said this charge wasn't recognised and to ignore it as a suspected mistake/scam...

Fast-forward a month or two, I started getting notifications on my credit report (I follow them for security), that I had missed O2 payments, so I went round again calling O2 and getting the charges removed, it was a huge pain, but they said they had "credited the closed account" to stop this continuing.

This week, I've just got notifications of a default on an O2 account!  I'm currently writing to all the credit checkers to dispute this, but it's such a pain and seems like it'll take a long time to remove O2s mistake.  O2 themselves are incredibly opaque, and I struggle to even get someone on the phone to help, is there anything else I can do?  I raised a complaint with Virgin about moving me without permission, and a month later they sent a letter saying they were "happy the situation is resolved", they never contacted me....

Please excuse the rant, I'm just hoping to get this resolved asap, anything I'm missing other than writing to dispute it with the credit checkers?

PS.  I was an O2 customer for 15+ years before this saga, never missed a single payment, and it has left such a bad taste I've moved all mine and my wife's accounts away from O2 to a rival.

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Thanks for the link, digging in now, and I see I can request it, that's perfect, thank you!

Message 21 of 26

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You are welcome, please keep us updated on developments. 👍

Message 22 of 26

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It has been a while, and things are still fairly glacial on removing the defaults from my credit report, but I did have a good experience with the Subject Access Request team and now have all my communications with O2, including recordings of calls (thanks for the link @Oxonian).  

In the very first call after I received a bill by email I didn't recognise, I had the advisor telling me it's not real and to ignore it as "probably a glitch"...

Advisor: "Okay. So over here I can see that you have paid the bills, so no need to worry about that mail it might be a glitch, so just ignore that email, no need to worry about that"

Then in later calls we established that this was a virgin mobile transfer, they tried and sell me some other O2 packages, I rejected all that and asked for it to be cancelled.  They explained it would potentially put my virgin bill up, I said that's fine and to just make sure I wasn't being billed by O2, the advisor spoke to their manager and said it would be waived.

I then got a callback the next day confirming the charges will be waived.  Here's a key snippet from my account notes after a call once we'd realised the account was from Virgin (19th Sept 2023):

High Level Reason: Bill

Detailed Reason: Bill Dispute

What was the Action / Resolution: Action taken: Disconnected the number told him bill amount will be waived off as informed by [NAME REDACTED] floor manager mumbai ) and after 14 days bill will be generated the bill amt will be waived off

FCA: Non-FCA Complaint

I've removed the name of the floor manager for privacy.  If that had been actioned, I think it would have all stopped there, I'd probably still be an O2 customer as well... This was later added as a default on my credit accounts under O2, they then sold that debt to an agency, who added another default for the same amount.

Last week, I got a letter from Lowell (the debt agency) saying they'd finally "returned the account to O2" after O2 requested it back.  Now just waiting for O2 credit to remove all the defaults from my previous reports and figure out how to get Experian, et al. to back-date it with all this new info.

Fun times... it was validating to realise I wasn't going mad with the calls and statements I had remembered, I just wish I hadn't had to spend all this time fighting it when it was primed for resolution back in September.


Message 23 of 26

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I am pleased that this is heading in the right direction, but it is disappointing that two months have elapsed since our last interaction and you are still waiting for O2 to resolve the credit reference side of things. 😀


Please do give us a final update in due course. 👍   

Message 24 of 26

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@Oxonian wrote:


Please do give us a final update in due course. 👍   

I am glad to say, all my credit reports (Experian, Credit Karma, ClearScore etc.) are back to normal, no defaults, no incorrect charges and all scores back to their original max levels.

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped on this forum and pointed me in the right direction, and I say this with the upmost respect - I sincerely hope we don't have to meet again 😁

Be good and have a great week!

Message 25 of 26

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Excellent news @brasco__ ; glad you are resolved. 👍 

Message 26 of 26