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Customer service complete dissapointment

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Decided to get a new phone from O2 for my wife...

- I paid off my phone contract and got another contract with new phone which I gave to my wife. She at a time was on Three network, so asked to unlock it what went more or less smoothly. I was looking to get also a O2 sim-only deal, there was 10GB plan for 18GBP per month, what I was looking at but not decided.


- After a couple of days I receive a call from O2 sales, asking what I was looking for last time, and offered me a DEAL on the 18GBP contract = 16GBP for 10GB deal! So I say sounds good and took it. The contract was agreed by phone. The guy mentioned that the discount would be applied starting from second month, what sounded a little suspicious.


- received the new sim, transferred my wifes Three number to it. Wife using the phone on O2. Should bee happy? No.


- Now I have 2x numbers what apper in My O2 app, but I see the tariff of 18GBP per month with no clues of discounts or 16GBP what so ever. So I ranfg O2 customer service to check what is happening. Spek to 1st person - she do not see any discounts, speak to second - yes! shee can see it! I ask her to send me an e-mail or something even on words, that I will receive the discount, as I want to be sure before my 14day canceling time runs out. She promises to send an e-mail, I wait.....


- No eMail next day. was not too worried at a time, but decided to call O2 customer service again, to check, can they do something better on my other number with phone deal where currently I had 19GBP for 5gig of data... Rang them - asking can I have a similar 16£ deal on my other number  and so on. The opearator says that they can not offer this kind of deals. Then she chacks the number where the deal should be present, gues what - no deal! Nothing! Normal 18£ contract! so she connected to other and other "specialists" who you need to describe the situation from the beginning again and again.


- Finally I was fed up with these circles and lies, I thell that I want to leave and take my both numbers with me. Then I was connected to the "special person" ho tries to convince me to stay. Only now O2 offers me the 16£ deal to that number where the "mistake" or "misunderstanding" how they call it has happened. But at this point I already had enough and counter-offered if O2 can give me 16£ deal on my both numbers then only I stay. They refused, and we agreed to disagree. I paid off the newly tahen phone, and was transferred back to customer service to get the PAC codes. Nedd them to save mobile numbers and transfer to another operator.


- Fun begins again. I need to explain everything again from beginning and so on. I start with the sim-only deal, I say I want to leave and I need the Pac code to keep the number. Guy says - yes sure and so on, contract will be canceled and you will get your PAC code in 24h. I'm OK with that at the time and switch over to get PAC code for second number.


- Second number details blah blah, so on. This time I actually get the PAC code by SMS. and then decide to check on the another number - the status of the PAC code for that. Guess what - other number has been disconnected and not present on O2 network! How cool is that? I an furios asking what the hell? I asked for the PAC code, she says there is no record of that, and I seems to have asked to disconnect the number! I tell I need the number.


- So transfers again and explaining again, until number was re-connected. Then I was told that I need to wait 24 hours to be able to request the  PAC code for this number - I need to call next day, which I argued, but agreed to wait.


- Phone was re-connected and usable after a couple of hours. But guess what happened in the evening - The number got DISCONNECTED Again! Alright i thought, will get my PAC code in the morning and done with it.


- Calling O2 customer service in the morning asking fro my sim only PAC code... Guy says all cool, give me a moment etc. And here it goes again - guy says the pone must be connected to the network to get the PAC code!!! What the hell?? Been ther done that! I am so angry! He says He needs to connect it, give it 2 hours, then he wil request a PAC code to be generated what could take up to 24hours AGAIN! I say no way, do It now, he says not possible, doing what he can and soon. He re-connects the number, and promises to call back. I take his detais to be able to call him if he does not call him self.


-So at the moment I am still waiting for his call and hope finally to get the PAC code, LEAVE O2 and never look back.


If you actually read this, thanks for attention, Ranted.

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@Anonymous How absolutely appalling. I think you need to make a complaint. Follow this link.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Sounds like a right old runaround. Did u get sorted in the end then? @Anonymous
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@Anonymous How absolutely appalling. I think you need to make a complaint. Follow this link.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Hope all goes well with the new network. It's a shame when a company lets you down that badly that you just want away. Can't blame you.

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Hi @Anonymous,

Sorry to hear about this experience and we'll share it within the company to see where we can improve. Please send me a PM if you are waiting beyond the time you've been given for your PAC and I'll talk to the rest of the team.

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