19-05-2022 17:40 - edited 08-09-2022 16:48
19-05-2022 17:40 - edited 08-09-2022 16:48
Hey everyone,
This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when it was first reported, the current status and the latest update. This will enable you to easily check if something you've noticed has already been flagged.
How do I report a new issue or bug I've encountered on the community?
We would like you to use this topic to report any new bugs or issues that you come across so we can add them to the tracker. To do this simply report the issue in the comments and tag in the community team so we can update the top post with any new issues. Please include as much detail as possible when reporting a new issue and where possible include the following:
The above information will help us and the support team properly identify the issue and get working on a fix.
How do I check the status of an issue that has been reported?
At the bottom of this post you will see a list of all the active and recently resolved issues. The current status of the issue, along with the most recent update with be shown there. If you have a new question or more information about an open issue please post it in the comments of this topic.
You can also use this topic to make requests or suggestions for new features or changes to how the community platform works! Please bear in mind that making changes can often take time and some requests won't be possible for various reasons but that said we would really appreciate your insights on how to improve the community interface and will aim to implement changes where possible. We will track any suggestions below the issues.
Thanks for your patience while we work the outstanding issues and for your help reporting and testing.
Issue: Your own posts showing in the unread message page
Date reported : 26/08/21
Status: Bug identified and waiting on a fix
Latest update: 20/04/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue.
Issue: Unread posts taking you to the OP and not the unread post
Date reported : 26/08/21
Status: Bug identified and waiting on a fix
Latest update: 20/04/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue.
Issue: Customer survey pop-up frequency and drop to bottom of the webpage
Date reported: 04/01/22
Status: Cause of the issue identified and waiting on a fix
Latest update: 15/03/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue
Issue: Post flooding error message when attempting to post some messages
Date reported: 13/04/22
Status: Resolved
Latest update: 26/05/22 - A bug fix update has been deployed and the issue has been resolved.
Issue: Add video button not appearing
Date reported: 20/04/22
Status: Cause of the issue in being researched
Latest update: 19/05/22 - The cause of this issue is still being investigated
Issue: Security check message when logging into the community
Date reported: 06/05/22
Status: Resolved
Latest update: 08/09/22 - The security check message will no longer appear when logging into the community.
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→ Have a query about your account? login to My O2 for help
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on 06-07-2024 22:06
on 06-07-2024 22:06
Well, whatever it is that is causing it comes with the odd DOS effect:
So whilst it may not be the Forum per se, there's definitely some weirdness at play - and if I have to log in and happen to be on o e of the aforementioned topics, well, it takes up to 2 or 3 minutes to complete sign-on and bring me back to whatever page I was on in that topic. Something is rotten in the state of Khoros somewhere with these ones (all others, with the usual query, a few answers, and perhaps a Solution, are zippy enough.
on 09-07-2024 11:52
on 09-07-2024 11:52
on 09-07-2024 12:14
on 09-07-2024 12:14
on 09-07-2024 14:00
on 09-07-2024 14:00
on 15-07-2024 09:29
on 15-07-2024 09:29
@pgn wrote:
Well, whatever it is that is causing it comes with the odd DOS effect:
So whilst it may not be the Forum per se, there's definitely some weirdness at play - and if I have to log in and happen to be on o e of the aforementioned topics, well, it takes up to 2 or 3 minutes to complete sign-on and bring me back to whatever page I was on in that topic. Something is rotten in the state of Khoros somewhere with these ones (all others, with the usual query, a few answers, and perhaps a Solution, are zippy enough.
@pgn would it be possible to generate a .har file for us? I don't know if it'll allow you to attach but let's give it a try 🙂
on 15-07-2024 18:12
on 15-07-2024 18:12
on 24-07-2024 22:00
on 24-07-2024 22:00
on 24-07-2024 22:05
Word, virtual lounge both hang when opening for me as do any of the threads with multi pages
on 24-07-2024 22:07
on 24-07-2024 22:07
on 24-07-2024 22:16
I'm just surprised no one else has this issue
One of the reasons I don't usually participate in such threads
This for me on a laptop using Edge as my preferred browser