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Community Highlights 21/11/13

Former Staff
  • 11577 Posts
  • 520 Topics
  • 213 Solutions

Hi guys,


The weather is getting worse, so here's another community highlight to warm you up wink






We've had a couple of great staff Virtual Interviews.....


The community has had a fair few staff Q&As this year and many more are planned as its a great way for the team to hear things from you perspective and answer your pressing questions. In the last month we've had 2, focused on Web chat and MyO2.


The Web chat Virtual Interview went really well, with Richard Clarke, our Head of our Digital Service answering questions on chat training, how the process works and what improvements are being made. Check it out below:


> Web Chat staff Virtual Interview


Very recently we also held a Virtual Interview on the new and improved MyO2 system. Leanne Gethin from the MyO2 team answered a whole host of questions relating to in-app community access, data in the app and Pay & Go feedback. Take a look below:


> MyO2 staff Virtual Interview


Would you like to ask someone who works in O2 a question? Let me know below if there is a team or service in O2 you'd like to ask questions about. The more the better!



You guys continue to write great reviews....


Over the last year, there have been many reviews from a range of members about phones, tablets, services and even accessories. The last month has been no different and I've added a couple of great ones here.


First up, MI5 took us through his unbiased journey of migrating to 4G via O2 Refresh. Its a great thread, taking us through the beginning of the process to final thoughts from MI5. A great read; Take a look below:


> MI5's unbiased perspective


Next up, Fatboy has created a brilliantly detailed review of his new iPad case, along with a host of helpful pictures. Is this case up your street? Check it out:


> Fatboy's iPad Air case review


As always, you guys are helping each other....


Bill-T had some questions about O2 SIMs on his SIM-free phone. Many of you came to offer advice and looking at the thread gives you lots helpful of info as a whole. Well done guys!


> Transferring an O2 SIM-only SIM card to a new SIM-free phone


Also, aldaweb has been flying the flag for Blackberry, offering lots of updates on Blackberry changes and products that O2 are offering on there, such as the below:


> O2 Tracks now on BB10



There's some off-topic fun to be had....


Halloween has come and gone and we had some great discussions, such as the one below where everyone posted their thoughts on the day and all of the habits it attracts:


> Happy Halloween!


On a related note, we all shared our favourite horror characters. I'm happy to report you all have great taste slight_smile


> What's your favourite horror movie character?



Finally, your chance to help those in need....


You will all be aware of the devastating events that have occurred recently in the Philippines. perksie has created an tragedy appeal thread where you can find lots of useful information on how to donate to the cause, helping those who have lost homes, loved ones and their way of life. Please take a look below:


> Philippines Tragedy Appeal



I hope you enjoy reading through these guys. Got a great discussion you want me to feature? Sound off below.













Fancy writing a great device review or O2 forum guide? Send me a message!

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