on 03-09-2015 23:16
....according to Google.
You may have noticed the new google logo on its page.
This one..
I thought at first it was one of the many Google doodles that appear on the page, but no, this is Google going all material design on itself.
So, what do you think about it?
on 04-09-2015 14:15
on 04-09-2015 14:15
@Anonymous wrote:
@Cleoriff wrote:I have the same image as @Anonymous on my PC.....I wasn't sure whether it was Christmassy...or little Red Riding Hood (and friend) being chased through the forest by the big bad wolves
Little Red Riding Hood heading into the woods with a friend? That was never in the version I was brought up on @Cleoriff
No nor me...and only ever one big bad wolf...but hey I have a vivid imagination
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 04-09-2015 14:17
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks @MI5 - Can't be her 91st Birthday if she died in 2004, can it?
I think they meant she 'would' have been 91 today.....who knows?
Which is about as useful as saying "When Mozart was my age he'd been dead for 35 years!" Bad Google! What we need is precision and clarity!
on 04-09-2015 14:21
on 04-09-2015 14:21
I see that...but I often find myself saying 'It's my dad's birthday today...he would have been so and so age'
He died in 1997....
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 04-09-2015 16:06
on 04-09-2015 16:06
on 04-09-2015 16:08
on 04-09-2015 16:08
on 04-09-2015 16:57
on 04-09-2015 17:53
on 04-09-2015 17:53
@Anonymous wrote:
@jonsie wrote:
@MI5 wrote:
Your birthday is always the same even if you're dead.....?Hope you remember mine in 20 years when I'm long forgotten
"Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad." (from "Remember" by Christina Rosetti)
After 5 pints of Fosters, that is way too profound for me @Anonymous
on 04-09-2015 18:04
on 04-09-2015 18:04