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Barred service

Not applicable

I am just so annoyed and frustrated by O2, I received an email on Thursday night to say that my monthly spend was £20 (I owed £70) higher than usual and if I didn't contact them to say it was ok they would cut my phone off?? I made contact on Friday morning and  it turned out that my direct debit had failed and £50 had not been paid earlier in the week. I immediately paid the £50 as the 1st advisor said that's all that needed to be paid and in fact I didn't have to pay it, it could wait until my February payment. So I paid it and was assured that the £20 would be taken in February and my service would not be affected. Friday night further email saying I still owed £20 (which is part of next months bill) and that my phone would be switched off within 4 hours. Back onto O2 and spoken to advisor 2 and 3 who assured me that phone would not be switched off and £20 would be taken in Februaty and I would get no more emails. Saturday evening another email, phone switched off as I still owed £20 and hadn't made contact??? Onto advisor 4, she said I owed £20 and that was why phone was switched off, got cut off during that conversation, came back on spoke to advisor 5, asked to speak to advisor 4 but told she wasn't available and had to go through whole story again, he then tells me that I owe nothing! and that phone will be debarred shortly, further get cut off from that call because of poor internet connection and get back on to advisor 6 who tells me he will sort it out and get phone back on but that it will be between 2 and 24 hours! I need to be able to contact elderly clients and call doctors, hospitals etc and was left with no phone last night to do that. Advisor 6 said he understood and advised me to check phone after 2 hours which I did and nothing, it's now been almost 11 hours, checking every hour and nothing! Now chat is also off, apparently they work 7 days a week from 5am, well it's 7.40am where I am and no-one is there, what are you supposed to do, in the meantime I had to use payphones, which are few and far between and borrow another phone to try and carry out my work and don't know when this service is going to return.

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Level 44: Clearly Talented
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Normally when you make an outgoing call on a barred phone you'll be directed to the automated payment line you might be able to get through to CS from there.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 4 of 4

Not applicable

Good Morning,


We hear quite a few stories regarding using the live chat function and try to advise people to where possible telephone 02 customer services to resolve issues such as these.


It sounds like the analagy , 'too many cooks spoil the broth' fits here.


So i would suggest you phone 02 CS from your phone and resolve this with a Uk 02 representative. 


Im sure all will be resolved.


You could follow 02's complaint procedure if only to give constructive feedback.

Message 2 of 4

Not applicable

Thanks for that, difficulty is they have barred the phone from everything including ringing them so I have to use chat or another mobile which is costing a fortune, have no house phone due to high winds.

Message 3 of 4

Level 44: Clearly Talented
  • 5942 Posts
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Normally when you make an outgoing call on a barred phone you'll be directed to the automated payment line you might be able to get through to CS from there.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 4 of 4