on 18-01-2014 14:02
on 18-01-2014 14:02
..... like the information on my laptop is automatically backed up every week.
This has only come to light during the week I have become a member of the O2 Community Forum, as mentioned by one of your experienced helpers.
In my mind at present I have my laptop, which I luv for documents/emails/on-line shopping/soon to be downloding e books onto very new to me basic Kindle.
Do I have to do it the traditional paper/pen way ie by having an address book purely for my mobile phone contact/s numbers ..... which even with my tradional administrative background seems a bit tedious in the 21st Century .....
on 19-01-2014 11:29
Hello Bambino - thank you for your advice @Gmail which I already have on my laptop ..... what you makes some sort of sense to me
on 19-01-2014 11:34
on 19-01-2014 11:34
You're welcome, but if you want to transfer your contacts from your Nokia you will need to follow the advice MI5 has given on the previous page. If you feel you're not able to do that you could always copy your contacts manually into your Gmail account. Tedious, I know, but at least you would have them there ready for your new phone.
on 19-01-2014 18:06
Thank you Bambino I am going to do as per your suggestion given my level of skill with the topic ie set up a new file on my laptop, key in my contacts to date, and then the list will be saved automatically as per my laptop does on a weekly basis ..... thank you very much again = this makes very good sense to me at present ..... & then when the time comes to change to a touch screen phone I can contact O2 Community Forum again, as per MI5 says, when I know which phone I will change to .....