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Anyone Else Had problems With UK Mail Delivery??

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Ive ordered a pay monthly contract phone at the weekend i knew i was at the hospital on monday so chose Tues as delivery day, received a text monday from UK Mail saying it would be delivered between 1-3pm great i thought, tues morning 10.30 i get a text saying "Your O2 order has experienced a possible delay please contact blah blah blah". So i rang them after waiting 0ver 5 mins someone finally answered to say "sorry it went to the wrong depot it will be with you tomorrow", because of pass dealing's with these so called delivery companies i rang again this morning to double check after a lot of umming and ahhing he said "yes its in nottingham you will get it today" im not holding my breath as the site shows it was supposed to be delivered before 12!.

Uk, Yodel, HDN all seem as bad as each other! not one can be relied upon.....would'nt mind but im being charge for this contract by O2 but not even had the goods yet!......ok rant over Smiley Frustrated

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323 REPLIES 323

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@Anonymous wrote:

Currently having a problem with UKMail as we speak, oredered iPhone5 on 12/3/13, on 13/3/13 the order was confirmed and I was told by text that it would arrive on 14/3/13 between 08:00 -12:00, those times come and go and no phone, i leave it till 14:30 and my status on the UKMail website says its out for delivery, so i wait two more hours for it to get here from my local depo (nearest is tunbridge which is an hour away), i check the status again, and it says it was delivered at 14:30 and the recipient was Delta Couriers? What the hell does this mean? Currently trying to get through the waiting stage for their customer service phoneline...

UK Mail rarely keep to times.  Dates are usually fine so would expect the phone to arrive today.  As for what time? No idea.

Message 41 of 324

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Well finally got through to customer service, and theyve told me that the delivery guy signed for it himself -.- and I quote "he wasnt supposed to do that" so theyve told me that itll be delivered up til 9 oclock tonight or sometime tomorrow, also followed by a forced "were sorry about that", definitely going to complain...

Message 42 of 324

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I have also had problems with UK Mail Delivery services, as you all can guess NO PHONE delivered... So rang on Friday and they told me they could not deliver due to no house number. So asked for it to be delivered Monday - Put massive sign out on my car with my house name and again they failed to deliver. Lets hope that its Third time lucky...  

Message 43 of 324

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Got to be one of the worst companies out there, I ordered the Iphone 5 last Monday and got a TXT saying delivery on Wednesday (Fantastic). Wednesday I recieved a txt saying order had been dalayed. So i thought it should be here on Thursday...... Nothing!! I phoned UK Mail and they re-shedule it for delivery on Friday, friday came and gone. I phoned again and they wanted to re deliver it for Monday. So now its Monday, Ive just got off the phone to see if i shall be getting my phone today ...... NO!! It is still sitting in the Depot. She asked me if i wanted to pick it up.. No chance i live around 50miles away oh and a ferry crossing away from the depot. Uk Mail have -sheduled it for delivery tomorrow (Tuesday) 8 days after i purchased the phone .................. Lets see if it shows up?????Smiley Mad 

Message 44 of 324

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Message 45 of 324

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I'm waiting on my s4 arriving, it was supposed to be tomorrow but i've jsut chcked and it says delayed for some reason. I contacted UK mail and asked if they can leave with a neighbour as no one will be in but i'm not filled with confidence to tell you the truth. Just want me phone!

Message 46 of 324

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Having suffered from missed deliveries from UKMail when I was waiting all day, after 2 days, I tried to make a complaint and was amazed to find the following: 1) UKMail does not have a published process/procedure for customers/consignees to raise complaints, nor does UKMail publish how it handles complaints. 2) The UKMail Customer Service call centre does not have communication with UKMail depots or drivers, apart from email. Thus whilst Customer Services is telling you the package is still out for delviery, the driver may already have been to the address and failed to deliver or most likely never got to you in the time-window. 3) UKMail are meant to deliver between the hours of 8am-6pm, however this doesnt mean anything, as there drivers are not equipped with equipment which allows customers to be informed when the package is to be delivered. 

Message 47 of 324

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Had my phone repaired with O2. Great they fixed it in a day. Was expecting it back on Monday as UK Mail web site said it was out for delivery today. Been waiting in all day for the van to arrive, nothing. Turns out the driver couldn't find my address - even though all other delivery drivers can find the address fine. UK Mail also says that they will not attempt a second delivery - probably because the dim driver can not find my address? I can not collect the parcel without one of the 'Sorry I missed you' cards. So I guess the package will be returned to O2 now. Great, well done employing a delivery company that doesn't actually deliver packages!

Message 48 of 324

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Received a text saying the new iphone 5 my husband ordered would be here today between 9 and 1pm.  Well its 5pm now still no phone. (and no dinner for the kids as I haven't dared go out!). What's ridiculous is when I rang them to find out where the phone was they said they couldn't speak to me as I wasn't the account holder, they needed to speak to my husband who is at work.  I pointed out that it was ok for me to sign and take the phone if it should ever arrive but not for me to be told whether it was actually going to get here.  From what I've been reading so many people have had similar problems I don't understand why O2 are still using this company.    

Message 49 of 324

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Mainly because most people get their deliveries ok.

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