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Have anyone noticed how half of the chairs in the 02 shop are high chairs??  Pity some people with a range of physical disability and the elderly also notice them: out of reach!  I am disabled.  Getting on one of these chairs is like climbing a mini Everest.  The getting down is dizzy stuff too.  What else are we or the staff suposed to do?  Ask someone on the 'normal; chairs to move?  Their advisers have already logghed their details on the computer of the tables at said chairs!  When is 02 going to join the rest of the world in adressing equality and diversity issues?  Such as access, but this time not through the dorr, but to stay on rthe inside of the door!

Message 1 of 11

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Hi @Anonymous 

Sorry to hear of your problem. I can only speak of my experience about my own O2 store as they seem to cater well for all customers whether young old or disabled 

I see from your post that the store had what you call 'normal' chairs. I am sure if you had explained your problem to the staff they would have made every effort to accommodate you and found you a seat to suit your individual needs....Sometimes disabilities aren't evident to all and a simple request may have solved this slight_smile

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 11

Not applicable
I too read this post with interest. It appears that the store had both normal chairs and high chairs, therefore trying to support all who use the store. What about those who have difficulty sitting for long periods for whom high chairs are much better? They too may be perceived to have some form of support need.

I am all for supporting those with extra needs and it appears in this case the o2 store have addressed these needs. The fact that other customers chose to use lower chairs is not in itself a reason to criticise o2. They have delivered.

So on this occasion I feel o2 HAVE addressed Equality and Diversity, in fact I feel they may have even gone further than most.
Message 3 of 11

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Did you actually ask for a lower chair? I'm sure you would have been accommodated . O2 have to cater for everyone whether disabled, elderly or young and able bodied. There will always inevitably be times when a shop is busy and seating is limited but I'm sure a polite request to change with someone not needing a lower type chair would have been met with a positive response.

Message 4 of 11

Not applicable

Hi Everyone. Thank you for taking an interest. In answer to your questions and comments my physical disability is obvious by the way I walk and the use of my walking stick. The staff themselves each time commented on the inapropriety of the chair for someone like me. So stupidly I expected them to offer a swap as one of you sugested. Nothing. So I agreed with them that yes it was difficult for me. Still nothing. I assumed like I said that all the computers are already logged on for the clienst already on said chairs. Also please note that this happeded five times. Every time I went there. I personally, like many people with disability find it difficult to ask someone already in the middle of a transaction to move. Maybe next time I'll ask to wait for said chair to be free. I wasnt born dissabled and have beed a nurse and a midwife for years, so I am familiar with addresing the needs of the various individual like one of you pointed out. However the theorical address of diverse needs fall quite short when it does work in practice. A failing that many institions face as per the reports of dissability and age related support groups accross the country. Now. we wont all be dissabled however all of us who live long enough will grow old with the restrictions that this brings. So this is a topic that - although not all of us think about in our relative youth - affects or will affect all of us. Or even someone we know. So saying that 02 has adress this I think is a judgement not based on fact. Especially when someone dissbled too the time to raise the issue.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

Message 5 of 11

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Hi @Anonymous 

Thanks for coming back to clarify your experience which obviously left a lot to be desired in your eyes.

I too am a nurse by background..... so know how frustrating these things are

Next time you go into the shop I would politely ask for an appropriate chair. I am honestly sure that if you ask the staff they will try to accommodate you no matter how busy they are.

I know from experience that if you don't ask.... a presumption can be made that you are ok. (We all know that some people don't want to ask for preferential treatement...and don't want to appear a 'nuisance').That's certainly up to each individual...but I would suggest that if you need the right chair to be made comfortable in the shop then you really must ask....(my motto always has been...if you don't won't get :smileywink:)

I hope you find things better for you in the future.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 11

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HI @Anonymous and welcome to the community.


I'm sorry to hear you had a little trouble and I shall be sure to share this information with the rest of the team so that they're aware. Feel free to send me a message at any time with any other issues you had.


There are some really interesting points made by others here too. If anyone has any observations or suggestions for improving access in any way in relation to stores, do let me know.

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Message 7 of 11

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@Toby  I have been into four O2 stores. All of those had access appropriate for those customers with disabilities. Wheelchair access was also pretty good in the stores I have visited.

I really think we have to be very careful that we dont make a presumption that every person with a disabilty requires help and assistance. Many of them do not and would be upset if they were 'singled out' for special treatment. Some have maintained a level of independence and freedom that suits their individual needs.

Others however, would welcome any help that can be given. I honestly believe that those who need additional support should not be afraid to ask.....and shop staff should meet those needs if requested...

Just my take on caring for people with varying levels of disability...:smileyhappy:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 11

Not applicable

Hi Toby. Thanks for yuor reply.  Sorrry I dont know how to send a private meesage yet.  How do you do that by the way?  What I want to know is how to make a comnplaint by e mail to 02 about one of their employees please?


About the approprietness of chair for some poeple with some physical disbility, I think that this hasnt sink in in their training yet.  I say this because all the staff every time ackowledge that this was difficult for me gised for it, however all of them fail to offer me any other alternative.  Also because I observed that offering water for instance had been taken on board, as all of them did. Which is a good thing.   Thanks again.  I know many people will appreciate 02 staff beeing more disability aware.

Message 9 of 11

Not applicable

Hiht.  . Thnaks for taking the time to reply.  I think you are right.  I will ask explicitly this time around.  Pity though. Its like whats happening on the buses noiw. The elderly and the disabled have to ask for a seast to get one.  One is no loger offered most of the time.

Message 10 of 11