on 05-01-2013 16:51
on 05-01-2013 16:51
on 06-01-2013 12:32
on 06-01-2013 12:32
Did you ask about the availability of the discount on your purchase?
Did you speak to your "friend" before hand on the rules regarding F&F discount and iPhone 5?
Do they work in one of the stores or in back offices, front line were made aware of the situation well in advance.
Friends and Family discount is a bonus, in the same category as the staff tariff, it does not come into play with terms and conditions of your contract (chances are if we compare contracts, yours and mine would be identical yet I pay a completely different monthly charge).
From a business point of view, would it make sense to discount something that is provided from a different company?
I have handed a fair few discounts out in my time, but never have any of my friends, family or acquaintances expected it, when they started that then I would stop handing them out.
Lastly I really hope your "friends" do not see this...
on 05-01-2013 17:03
on 05-01-2013 17:06
on 05-01-2013 17:06
I'm not sure customer service can do anything for you now as those were the rules when you upgraded. Maybe you should make a formal complaint following the process here :
on 05-01-2013 17:39
on 05-01-2013 17:39
Was that all one sentence, I just couldn't read it?
I assume they're unhappy as it seems to affect their ability to type properly.......
on 05-01-2013 17:52
Hang on, you get a 30% tarriff discount because you know somebody that works for o2. This has not been applied and O2 have ripped you off??
Surely if your friend works for O2 then they should be the one chasing this for you? Are you sure your Friend has not authorised the discount?
on 05-01-2013 19:04
on 05-01-2013 19:05
on 05-01-2013 19:08
on 05-01-2013 19:56
Not sure you woud have a case with Trading standards. I would have thought that had you mentioned the discount at the time of upgrade then you might have a case.
I still do not understand why your friend is not sorting this for you as it is there friends and family discount.
I guess if O2 are pants and all the other things you have called them then all your friends must be ex-friends now.
on 05-01-2013 20:11
on 05-01-2013 20:11