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o2 wanting to verify my age

Not applicable
Ive been on o2 payandgo on my iphone for a while now, and today when i try to access certain sites, it wants me to verify my age.
Why now?? Or can i change my settings to get round this?
Message 1 of 29

Not applicable
You can indeed go to a store... at your own expense in time and money.
Can we expect the home broadband providers to be checking our ages every other month from now on ?
I have proved that the age verification is not a one off event by bing asked twice in a year to prove my age.
Had my contract with O2 said something along the lines that by signing, I would be required to verify my age as often as O2 saw fit, then I'd have left it on the counter and gone else where.
Message 21 of 29

Not applicable
You can indeed go to a store... at your own expense in time and money.
Can we expect the home broadband providers to be checking our ages every other month from now on ?
I have proved that the age verification is not a one off event by bing asked twice in a year to prove my age.
Had my contract with O2 said something along the lines that by signing, I would be required to verify my age as often as O2 saw fit, then I'd have left it on the counter and gone else where.

Bing is a different company and o2 are not allowed to share customer data under the data protection act. Lets just clear this up..
Is this a bit of a pain? Yes...
Are mobile companies trying to cover their ass? Yes.. just like all companies do and most if not all 18+ sites have an age verification system.
How each company implements that age verification system is up to that company, o2 are not saying you can not go to a website... they say they are just checking you are of the age...
Do you all you guys carry on like this when a bank does a security check on a credit or debit card transaction? I doubt it..
I have been driving for 7 years but have been pulled up on a random check by the police... and asked to produce my documents because of the type of car I have....
It is a pain but its the world we live in with sick people just wanting to take advantage
Message 22 of 29

Not applicable
Ok so I phone up and verify my age to customer services for my iPhone so I askedabout verifying my age for my iPad 3G and I'm told to do that I need to go into a store.
If anyone can explain that one to me then they deserve a prize!
Message 23 of 29

Not applicable
It starting happening to me last night!
Called O2 c/s this morning and kicked up a fuss.
Block lifted in minutes and £10 credited to my account for inconvenience!
Good c/s, but also a pointless action by O2!
Message 24 of 29

Not applicable

Just to clarify, eventually its going to become law for all networks to do an age verification check on customers.  O2 just started doing it first.  They could have waited a bit but essentially would have been forced to later anyway.


Theres three ways to verify your age - credit card, phone cs or store visit.  once verified the restriction gets lifted and you get a text to let you know.  you're supposed to turn your phone off/on when you get the text otherwise the restriction may not lift properly, meaning you have to go through the process again at a later stage.


If you've done everything the right way round and it didn't work first time then you have genuine cause for complaint, otherwise you don't.

Message 25 of 29

Not applicable

Its well out of order you take out the contract you have to be over 18 if you give it to a child that is your problem o2 shouldnt stick there nose in were it doesnt concern them

Message 26 of 29

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@Anonymous wrote:

Its well out of order you take out the contract you have to be over 18 if you give it to a child that is your problem o2 shouldnt stick there nose in were it doesnt concern them

You're a bit late to the party on this one as this happened over a year ago, it applies to all UK mobile operators not just O2, and you have to comply with it, more here:


It's irresponsible people who give unrestricted access to young children who have caused this.

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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 27 of 29

Not applicable

The words nanny state spring to mind

Message 28 of 29

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

The words nanny state spring to mind

That may be but the networks have to apply the rules.

Message 29 of 29